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Weapon in crotch


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I know this has been answered somewhere, but since searching the forums has been disabled, I can't find the answer.


When I spawn a NPC in SP mode, the weapon appears in the crotch - why is this and how do I fix it?


Here is the spawn code from npcs.cfg that calls the model:




playerModel commando

surfOff l_arm_key

health 50

reactions 4

aim 3

move 3

aggression 3

evasion 3

intelligence 3

rank lt

playerTeam enemy

enemyTeam player

// race klingon

class imperial

snd io1

sndcombat io1

sndextra io1

yawspeed 110

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

dismemberProbHead 0

dismemberProbArms 10

dismemberProbLegs 0

dismemberProbHands 20

dismemberProbWaist 0



Thanks in advance.


Darth Linux

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Nah, you probably just loaded a save game. Saved games won't work properly with new models.


Load up the map in the console with the devmap or map command.



devmap kejim_post




map kejim_post


devmap enables cheats.

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  • 2 weeks later...

posted by i dont' know


First before you make the npc file, take the model or skin you want to change and extract it to base/models/plyaers.

then rename the model folder using this guide. yourmodel is in place of the name of the specific model name.

*Dark Jedi---- rebornyourmodel


*Blaster User----styourmodel

*Bowcaster User------weequayyourmodel (It works)

Failure to follow this guid will result in the weapon being placed at the origin or crotch instead of the persons hands.

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Hi, i have the same problem with all custom npcs, either they are jedi, reborns or any ohter, nobody has a solution for it yet and it is frustrating.


And Bell will you stop posting that!!!! you have post it in all my threads concerning this issue and now on this one too!!! hahaha just kidding...

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