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self killing in ctf


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ooh.. a cross post.. I'll retaliate





To have the game really gravitate around force powers from the use of the suicide bind takes away from the other aspects of FPS CTF





I've been patient up until now.. but this is the stupidest comment I've ever heard.. why the hell would I bother playing this half-assed excuse for a FPS without the force powers.. the force is the ONLY thing that is appealing about this game and gives it a strategic element above and beyond other FPS's..


and the impression that 'other aspects of FPS CTF' are 'taken away' by using sucide is plain ridiculous. I don't know who's ass you have your head up, but I know that I'm still shooting people, backing up my teammates, and running the flag with a rocketlauncher in my hand.


Go play Quake III and stop using the force since its obviously too much for you to handle.

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AOL u obviously dont play competitive CTF if you think that /kill makes the game based on force powers. we have said before there are other reasons, and the game is still played in the same way. and yes, like i said, you will still get owned, because /kill isnt why u are so much worse than everyone else. its the fact that u have no knowledge as to how an fps is played, and u suck at this piece of **** one.

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I've never really played ctf before I got JK2. However the first thing I did was binding a key to kill, lol. I didn't read a "how to play ctf", it's just logical.

Anyway it's impossible to play ctf on pubs. It's hard to cap the flag if everyone else in your team is duelling or hurling insults at gun users. Not to mention the noobs that keep changing teams, so that it's like 10 vs 3.

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Originally posted by AOL User

I'm working on a Q3 mod for CTF. Every time you re spawn you get a BFG with full amo!


that would be neat! too bad it won't help you, cause you don't use /kill :/


*in case anyone missed it.. yup.. it was sarcasm

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Originally posted by Lightsaberboy

the only time i kill myself with my bind kill is either if someone pushes me off a ledge or to scare someone for laughs. what i'd do is do a dfa right up to them and before it hits them kill myself, and it'd be funny..


It's good if you kill yourself when you get pushed off, but not to deny the pusher a kill, it's just cause I gonna respawn faster.

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Originally posted by Garath


Here's where it all comes into perspective.. Not sure if you are American, but I used to play alot of American Football, and I enjoy watching it and I think there is a parallel I can draw on here..


A common used tactic if you are winning near the end of the game is to waste your 'downs' by eating up the alotted time limit thus letting the gameclock run down so your opponent has no opportunity to recover on the scoreboard.. IMO that is lame and takes away from the competitive spirit and I can voice that all I want, but I can't say that doing that is UNETHICAL if that's a commonly used strategy. Its accepted by the NFL (the competitive league that dictates the rules).


Now take that same example when I'm playing a football game on the PS2 with my roommate, if I do that to him, he screams LAME and gets mad at me for not giving him the opportunity to score. He argues that he doesn't do it to me and I've had quite a few last minute comebacks that I don't allow him to get. Now this is a casual game .. not competitive in the traditional sense of the word. Who is right? Me or him? And after answering, ask yourself WHY. It comes down to personal ethics.




No .. it wouldn't.. any more than taking out speed would render CTF a strategicless (mm.. nasty word) gametype. But it would slow down the pace and make the game competitively boring.




You are missing the point. I'm sure if I crack out a history book on ANY competitive team game, video game, RL, etc. I will find strategies that were not originally implied by the designers of said sport. Some (like my football example) rub people the wrong way, but they are effective techiques for winning and for improving aspects of your game where TIME is critical. You might as well say Raven didn't put Mind Trick in the game to be used as a defensive tool, or put bind in for multi-variable teamsay macros, or for taunting your opponent with says during a duel, or for changing your forcepowers just before a death. Its nearly impossible to predetermine the techniques that people will adapt to improve their game with the availible tools.


Like I said, I truly understand your perspective, but /kill is not this awe inspiring exploit that gives people an unfair advantage, it improves your team in one of the aspects of the game - TIME.


If /kill was gone, we would find ways to kill ourselves anyways and continue to hold this 'advantage' because it is a GOOD strategy.


nuff said :mob:

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That was well meant but I don't think its a valid argument. If you are going to argue from the point of analogy the points of similarity have to outweigh the points of difference and there can't be an essential difference. Since this game is not football neither is it a game about football. I feel there are so many dissimilarities that they shouldn't have to be listed. Raven did not put /kill into the game. It was part of the Quake 3/Quake 3 Team Arena engine. Games that came out with these engines include not just Quake 3 and Team Arena but Elite Force, RtCW, (American McGee's Alice) and JK II. None of these games besides JK II had force power that instantly regenerates upon respawn and /kill was not a problem untill now. I don't believe /kill was meant to be used/abused/exploited (whatever name is good) as to something like the effect as that of giving instant quad and or haste in Q3. And there are still more things for /kill that weren't in the other Q3 engine games. If the argument was about ethics and exploits or what is lame. Whatever name you would have given to the script making force pull unblockable before it was patched out would have fallen short of a true description unless your word was "cheat." And this is the word I choose for /kill in JK2: cheat.

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yea well you got your opinions and I've got mine so obviously we can agree to disagree...you seem more sane than the rest of the ppl who want to ban /kill.


anyways.... HEY!! :D :D :D I want to thank Raven for totally nerfing/smurfing this game with all their stupid patches that didnt even adress the real problems! And also for conforming to the whiners and losers who couldn't learn the game hence started to complain! well, i hope Raven DOES take out the /kill command (doubt they will, they cant be THAT stupid....or can they) so any competitive clans/players left will leave and the n00bies and or the whiners will be left to play this smurfed/nerfed down version of JK Outcast! I thought they would want this game to be as competitive as it could be but who woulda thought they would piss off the hardcore/serious player to please the n00bs who think /kill in CTF is used to prevent the person who killed the flag carrier/person from gaining points (There are plenty of arguments on both sides...but come on...enough is enough) . This game...er...the complaints get more bizzare and I am estatic UT2003 will be coming out so all the real FPS gamers who actually take time to learn and adapt to new strategies used mainly by top teams will hopefully leave this game and play UT2k3!!! I mean...with all these amazing games coming out soon enough you would think Raven would want to make JO better rather than worse!? I wouldnt be surprised to come back to Jedi Outcast a year from now and see a bunch of saber wielding "jedi's using only sabers in a guns allowed server...i see it beginning today. Its so bizzare you'd think something like the mysterious thing called collusion could be occuring!!! BAR THE THOUGHT OH yE EvIL ONE! :D :D :D Sorry to beat the dead horse but i had to get that off my chest...what is collusion anyways...ranting is fun!! See y'all in UT2k3 ;)

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