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catchy title huh?


For some reason when i add the .md3 wine, cups, coffemakers etc

from the Nar Shadda bar to my map they apear fine in Radiant

but in game they show up as those weird little RGB three stick...things.


Im setting them up as misc_model_breakable.

For whats its worth ill also add that they have 10 health, material = 1 (glass)

and have the No Explosion, No Smoke and No_Dmodel flags checked.

(Ive used other setting on them so i doudt its one of those screwing it somehow...)

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odd how everyone always assumes everyone is making mp maps isnt it?


For me i often forget to point out that I am doing singleplayer since

mp doesnt interest me much so i forget it exists.


anyway...[/rant] this is a singleplayer map. :jawa


i will try them nonbreakable however and see if they still dont work.

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Sorry, Joben, for using your thread to answer idontlikegeorge, but still I must point out that as long as there isn't a cooperative mode in multiplayer I don't think I'll map for MP. And I mean with the same possibilities as we have in SP, with scripting and such working perfectly. Bashing heads is just fine, but come on, how long that is enough? Decent design of plots is what counts in memorable SP levels.

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lassev i think george was kidding.


o btw they work fine as normal models.

its just the breakables for some reason dont work.

So i guess at least for the moment the imperials shall have imortal coffee cups :D

(sounds like a name for a rock band..."the lead singer of Imortal Coffee said today that...")


I should post a WIP thread...im making a sorta imperial compound the part i have almost finishedis one of the buildings, its pretty small but im rather pleased with my work considering it is my first map attempt for anything.

Couple more days to finish it and maybe sign up with one of those free webhosts.

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make sure if you use geocities to give a link to a site, or change the posted images extensions to .txt


that is wierd that they wont work as a breakable; is there a way to toggle off a model with a trigger or script? maybe you could put a small func_breakable around the model, and have it when that breaks, the model(s) disappear


lassev: check this go: :rolleyes: (means sarcasm)

i dont like quake, never liked quake, and i dont like SW-themed quake. so basically jk2mp.exe does not get used on my computer.

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Yeah. I always considered myself an expert on sarcasm, yet now I acted before I took my time to think. Well, maybe I can learn something this way.


Was your original question what remains after your models are destroyed or before that?


I used func_breakables to make solid objects (that is, without clip brushes) according to that piece of information somebody posted here some time ago (can't remember who it was). They have always worked for me. And this is also how I made my cups and bottles in a bar. And they are unbreakable, yes, but I meant it that way. I never tried make them truly breakable by some means.


You should try them breakable without any additional settings to see if any of setting conflicts.

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Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

i dont like quake, never liked quake, and i dont like SW-themed quake. so basically jk2mp.exe does not get used on my computer.


well said! this is gona be my new sig. gona save me from bothering to

saw that im talking about SP whenever i have a mapping question :rolleyes:


though actualy my main problem is its that its Q3 with a half assed saber

system getting in the way of the fairly decent gunplay.

remind me to make a no sabers mod.

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hehe like said im honored :)


if you make a no sabers mod, think you can make the guns worth something then? i hate the guns in game too, stupid having a blaster bolt so slow


like this one time, i was replaying the early levels on hard difficulty, and i bust thru this door with a charged bryar, and blast this poor ST, then run back out the door, waitin for the rush

so id whip out the e11 and spray secondary fire at the door, from a not-quite perpendicular angle, and keep a steady field of fire on the door, when 3 STs bust out, go straight through my stream of fire, and not a single one got hurt.

i hit the quickload key, leaned back, and thought, how retarded... i need a tommy gun or something.


the disruptors bolt speed is cool... near instanteous... but brings up another thing; that weapon is probably the stupidest "sniper" weapon ive ever seen;

sure it kills quickly and accurately, but the stupid streak would easily give away the position of any assassin! (ala poor rodians in nar shaddaa)




but im being an idiot. realism doesn have any place in a quake-based Star Wars game. :p



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This is a bit off topic, but I am not going to do any MP mapping until the compiler supports everything that SP is capable of now.


Running around shooting other players is fun for so long...I want more varied gameplay--and right now its not possible.



JKII will far surpass even SWG--if multiplayer can support all that SP does. Why? Because people can map for it, unlike SWG. Making JKII based online RPG with NPC’s and traversable worlds—and excellent saber combat = ) –will be the coolest thing since…beer.


Oh yeah, the bottle question…Usually any model that has any damage properties does the exact thing for me. I would like someone to answer the question.

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You can make a simple increased shotspeed mod for multiplayer in a couple minutes. I have one lying around somewere...I just uped all the weapon

speeds to 5000 or so from were they were at about 1300.


I made a weapon balance sorta tweak mod for sp a few months ago.

guns now hurt people :> I never submited it to anywere but i spent

a fair amount of time balancing it. (I also jacked up most enemy's aim quite a bit since they die faster)

Its incredible you shoot an un-armored person in the head with a gun and he dies! WOW. So you get the fun of the extra enemys etc of hard without

the annoyance of having to shoot or saber people dozens of times :rolleyes:


what realy annoyed me were the un-armored imp officers who could take

multiple direct thermal or light stance saber hits.


o btw all misc_model_breakable are still err...broken cant get them to work at all.

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Originally posted by Karshaddii

JKII will far surpass even SWG--if multiplayer can support all that SP does. Why? Because people can map for it, unlike SWG. Making JKII based online RPG with NPC’s and traversable worlds—and excellent saber combat = ) –will be the coolest thing since…beer.

swg > jk2


reasons: all the classics; life-like environments, models; less connection problems; etc.

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yeah, but its still a RPG. i love RPG aspects, but RPGs arent really that good, i mean its all based on numbers, and it isnt really in real time, or anything.


not too mention gay ass MMORPGs you have to pay fees to play; id rather have them charge the game for 100 some bucks, and no monthly fee.


the only thing i can see with swg is that it could render environments that the q3 engine couldnt (large outdoor areas)



joben, how big is that mod, could you send it to me? email

oh and you said it was for MP, can it be done for sp? like what files were changed? ext_data files?


anyway, completely off topic


so are all misc_model_breakables showing up as the little stick thingies? thats wierd

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yeh the shotspeed in multi only im afraid. only stuff you can change

with weapons.dat is ammo use and rate of fire *kicks Raven*

(ok maybe a couple other thigns in theory but i never got them working)

but its still surprisingly refreshing for the 5 min it took me to make it.

ill send it along, the .pk3 is 461kb. quite small.


grit your teeth and start up JK2mp.exe :D

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