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help on TAGS


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If you are using 3D studio max:


create a rectangle shape, collapse to editable mesh, go in sub-object mode, then face, select one of the tiangle and delete it...you just created a tag.


another way is to create 3 verts and then build the face.


There's only one way to use em', you put them where they are supposed to go...and you weight them to the bones.


did that help?

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o actually one more question, how should the triangles be placed? does it only have to be touching the polygons of the mesh with the appropriate parts? what if it touches more than one polygon, for example if i had to tag the caps, 2 caps r usually right ontop of each other, when i tag the caps if the triangle touches more than 1 cap then wut happens? and also does it matter which way u orientate the triangles(tags)?

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Didnt root.xsi come with all the tags you needed? All you do is move those around.


If you're actually creating tags make sure you orient them via the character construction sheet released by Raven. It's very specific on which axis of the tri faces what direction, etc.

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I still think you should use the tags from the .xsi because


1.They already are roughly into position

2.They have the right orientation


For the alignment on the caps, there is a tool that will let you match another object's X,Y,Z position.


You also need to create a mesh root and model root.


Also if the model is not at the right height, your character will either float or sink into the ground. (i believe the ground in max, relative to the game, is at +6 units up)


So take my advice and use the .xsi skeleton and tags, this will save you lots of trouble.

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