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Futurama: Bender Model Complete


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okay the last few hours i made i really cool lookin bender from futurama, its pushing around 4600 polys, so ill have to cut a bit off(mainly due to the modified torus around the eye balls having to many polys, il have to redo that). here it is: http://www.boomspeed.com/warhawk107/Bender1.jpg

its smooth rendered i think so you can't realy see the faces. all i got to do now is the textures(which should be easy considering that it is a cartoon charchter)




P.S. anyone know the max poly count an object can have in JKII?

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okay ill fix the feet up but the mouth and the hands stay, ive looked at some good refrence pics and the hands don't look like that, and the mouth ends very close to the eyes so i don't need to do any thing with that. but if you have a refrence pic that cntradicts that send the link.



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okay, ive finaly been able to upload pics of v3 of my Bender model, i won't change anything unless somthing major is brought up, cuase i feel that this model represents Bender very well, and dosent need to to be changed. and with a skin it will look very nice indeed:) anyway heres some pics:



both are the same model but with differant renders. the hands and feet have been changed in this version, the torsu has been resized, and the arms have been modified.



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trowa500, i assure you this is a real model made of faces and all, its just the way it was rendered, i beleive the face count is around 1700-2000 polys. oh, and just so everyone knows Mars(Plo Koon Skin maker) is going to make the skin for this model:)



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yes, much of the same critisisms as the other guys, bender's arms are much thicker and his mouth thing doesnt go that far around. His body is kind tapered top to bottom, the eyes thing is nice and round, not sharp like yours.....


i hope you're not making this model out of model primitives (shere, torus, oil tank etc....) thats probably why your polys are waaaay off :)


oh and also, have you even watched more than 2 episodes of futurama?? benders hands are conical like his torso and they have 3 'fingers'

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You're on the right track but really, it doesn't look like Bender.


There's a Quake 3 Bender model out there. Have a look at that and I suggest you start over. You'll only get better as you go on. Don't take it personal. :)

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OMFG! im really pissed off now:mad: yes i have watched more than two episodes of futurama!!! why do even think i started this prject!?! ya know im doing this for the community, you'd think people would appreciate this. i have fixed the "apparent" problem with the arms, the hands are in fact conical like his torso, and he has three fingers, the mouth in my opinion is correct so that will NOT change. oh and here's a render were you can see the faces: http://www.boomspeed.com/warhawk107/Bender4.jpg

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