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Weapon WIP:Bolt Gun

Wes Marrakesh

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"The boltgun or bolter is the standard armament of Space Marines and the favoured weapon of Orks. It is a short, compact weapon that fires a small missile or bolt considerably larger than an ordinary bullet. The bolt contains an armour piercing tip, an explosive, and a mass reactive detonator. It is shot from the barrel under low velocity, its own propellant igniting once the missile is clear of the barrel. The explosive detonates only when it has pierced armour. Any sudden increase in local mass activates the explosive and blows the target apart from the inside. Bolt guns are noisy and their effects are visibly devastating. Effective range is not great, and they are thus ideally suited for a shock/assault role"


- Excerpt from Warhammer 40,000 Wargear Manual


One badasss gun! We'll need a bolt pistol to replace the Bryar pistol, and a storm bolter to replace the heavy repeater. Maybe a plasma gun or melta gun to replace them DEMP, and a chainsword or power sword saber.


Then we need a Space Marine with skins for several chapters, a Space Marine with terminator armor, some kind of Eldar, some kind of Ork, and a Genestealer. And maybe a Chaos demon.


I'm sorry, I got carried away. The gun looks awesome, keep up the good work!

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Originally posted by Morthvargr

"The boltgun or bolter is the standard armament of Space Marines and the favoured weapon of Orks. It is a short, compact weapon that fires a small missile or bolt considerably larger than an ordinary bullet. The bolt contains an armour piercing tip, an explosive, and a mass reactive detonator. It is shot from the barrel under low velocity, its own propellant igniting once the missile is clear of the barrel. The explosive detonates only when it has pierced armour. Any sudden increase in local mass activates the explosive and blows the target apart from the inside. Bolt guns are noisy and their effects are visibly devastating. Effective range is not great, and they are thus ideally suited for a shock/assault role"


- Excerpt from Warhammer 40,000 Wargear Manual

Thank you for the definition


One badasss gun! We'll need a bolt pistol to replace the Bryar pistol, and a storm bolter to replace the heavy repeater. Maybe a plasma gun or melta gun to replace them DEMP, and a chainsword or power sword saber.


Then we need a Space Marine with skins for several chapters, a Space Marine with terminator armor, some kind of Eldar, some kind of Ork, and a Genestealer. And maybe a Chaos demon.


I'm sorry, I got carried away. The gun looks awesome, keep up the good work!

Are you telepathic or something? I was thinking the exact same thing!

Of course we'd need skinners...

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Man, last time I loaded the pic page, I was getting this weird scrolling graphical problem (I think from low memory), and it looked like that miniature piece was a solid-textured model!


I have a couple of suggestions. The back of the gun looks a little odd. On the model, it appears to be as thick as the rest of the gun, but in most of the depictions I've seen, it looks like a slimmer bit that is exposed, while most of the rest of the gun is covered by a metal casing or shroud of sorts.


The other thing is the magazine. It looks a bit too big. I say get rid of that big curve, and either make a straight piece which comes out of the gun on an angle, or maybe put a couple slight angles on it.


These are just small nitpicks though, the work as a whole looks great, I could tell you in a second it was a WH40K bolter if I saw it untextured and out of context.

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the vertical part of the clip is too long and maybe we could make the terminator replace galak_mech (the yellow robot with galak fyar inside) that would be a cool mod


or maybe galak_mech could be a tau battle suit and the stealth troopers could be tau stealth suits and the probe droids could be tau drones and the space ships would be like tanks or planes or the hammer head. and the stormtroopers normal tau guys


to see a warhammer mod in the making (for half life thought)

go here:


(look in players for the tau model)

or here


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