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Restricting bots?


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Howdy all


I was just wondering if it's possible to restrict bots' behavior - more specifically, i realise that you can define their preferred weapon in their botfile and stuff like that, but can you restrict them from using force powers completely and even from jumping?


The reason i ask - stormies, clonetroopers and battle droids. While i haven't got /g2platoon to work yet (I'm still stuck with spawning singles, any help?) I'm looking forward to some merciless slaying of metal... but i'd prefer aforementioned hunks of steel to act like they're supposed to and not jump around...


... can it be done?


Also, (and i realise this has been covered elsewhere, i don't know where) how do you append pk3 files with new info in folders ? eg, editing a botfile - do i need to unzip the pk3, edit the file, then zip it all up again?


*waits patiently for a response*

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Originally posted by ShaggyJedi

Also, (and i realise this has been covered elsewhere, i don't know where) how do you append pk3 files with new info in folders ? eg, editing a botfile - do i need to unzip the pk3, edit the file, then zip it all up again?

Assuming you want to edit bots.txt.

1. Unzip bots.txt to your rootdirectory e.g. C:\ . Winzip should automatically create a botfile directory.

2. Edit the file.

3. Close Winzip. Rightclick on bots.txt and select "add to zip" . Make sure "Save Extra Folder Info" is ticked. Save the file as a pk3.


Its important that you always create a new pk3 file. If you add modified files to the assets files you will get a nasty "Invalid Game Folder" error.

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