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Does Gaming = Immaturity?


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Is it just me or have all the courteous and polite players all but vanished?

When I play multiplayer I do it to have a good time. I want to enjoy myself and battle it out with other would be Jedi Knights and Sith Lords. However it seems that many, perhaps the majority of players seem to have forgotten why were all here in the first place: were all here to have fun. Have I missed something? Is there some sort of reward for finishing first in these matches, because some people are getting pretty upset. When I'm playing a game and other players are constantly typing f-this and f-that just because they're getting beaten or just having some bad luck, it decreases some of the enjoyment I get out of the game. And the guy that's absolutely new to the game, instead of just being the butt of some good humored jokes and lightsaber fodder, I consistently see them being ridiculed, cruelly and sworn at. Now I wouldn't think that what's being said will impact their lives but still it promotes an environment that isn't enjoyable to be in.

One of the reasons that I created my clan was to surround myself with gamers who, like myself, enjoy playing the game for what it is. A game! (one of the best I've ever played incidentally). I mean hey, I want to win as much as the next guy, but I can't think of a single friend who was genuinely impressed by my saber technique.

Anyway I just wanted to see what other people thought about the way things are headed with online gaming. Am I speaking for many of us or am I just an old school gamer.



P.S. Kudos to the guys and gals who are maintaining this website. Great job!

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No you are wrong people online are not de-generating into a horde of idiots, the only people doing this are the JK2 players.


I thought that peoples attitudes online had been going downhill recently, so in a slump I played a game of TFC and LO! People there are nice well manered helpfull people.

The thing with having such a good star wars game is too many childern are going to play it meaning you will get allot of idiots.

This is also why yhtis forum is the most un-helpfull forum on the net.


So I'd suggest playing a game of TFC for HL if you want to be around more intelectual types as the majority of people here are idiots (plane and simple, the minorty are the good players un-like most games which is very sad for a game this good)


P.S sorry for any typo's

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There is currently a lot of controversy about immature gamers's fibs, and I know that any letter on the subject will almost certainly cause someone to identify political and religious groups that are immature gamers's political enemies and re-label them as "noisome know-nothings" in order to justify operations against them. Still, immature gamers's stooges are an amalgamation of uneducated authoritarians, morbid administrators, and other untrustworthy, drugged-out libertines. What follows is a series of remarks addressed to the readers of this letter and to immature gamers itself. Immature gamers has written volumes about how the cure for evil is more evil. Don't believe a word of it, though. The truth is that according to it, anyone who points this out is guilty of spreading lies, smears, and communism. But you knew that already. So let me add that its mercenaries say, "Genocide, slavery, racism, and the systematic oppression, degradation, and exploitation of most of the world's people are all entirely justified." Yes, I'm afraid they really do talk like that. It's the only way for them to conceal that the objection may still be raised that divine ichor flows through immature gamers's veins. At first glance, this sounds almost believable. Yet the following must be borne in mind: Immature gamers is not as incomprehensible or tasteless as you might think. It's more so. Immature gamers frequently avers its support of democracy and its love of freedom. But one need only look at what immature gamers is doing -- as opposed to what it is saying -- to understand its true aims. Facts and their accuracy make a story, not the overdramatization of whatever immature gamers dreams up. Never forget that and never let immature gamers twist the truth.

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It's not so much about immaturity, imo, it's to do with experience.


I've played Half Life, Unreal Tournament, Medal of Honor, hell, even Settlers 3 and 4 online and without a doubt, the *majority* of online gamers for JO are most precious, self obsessed lamers I've ever played against.


Unfortunately, because we are dealing with such a huge franchise with an already existing fan base, we are getting players (kids) who probably haven't played online otherwise and so know no better. Or maybe they are natural born *ssholes...


I like Star Wars. I dig the films. But, er, they're fictional, right. Just like JO. It's entertainment folks, but not as we know it.

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok

Don't know about the rest of you, but in my area school started up this week and I have noticed I'm not seeing as many "1 0Wnz3rD y0UR n00b @zz!" comments between players on public servers.


Wonder if there is any connection.


Most definitley, yes.



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i've had my share of ppl that get mad when i win matches, yesterday this guy had thow enabled on his server so i used it (but i didn't wh*re it) and he called me a nOOb. And i took 5 matches in a row, not wins, matches. And he stilled called me a nOOb that's funny. but it's safe to say on any game even Super Mario Bros. you will have some level of immaturity from someone.

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Your exactly right Chaos, this is the problem with jk2 now as it grows into a metropolis of diverse players. There is an erosion of the origional base that made this game great, and that was the respect that players had for each other and for the game. I would rather play a game with one level, one character, and one gun, than play in a network of players that don't respect each other and that lack the character to show atleast some form of civil manners about them. :swear: We got a lot of people that just use jk2 as a place to blow off some steam and to make themselves feel better by insulting others and using harsh language! I just hope that the power of the force hasn't gotten to our heads! :band: :band:

Keep on preaching this stuff to people and maybe in the next republic and movement of players, we will see the days of old. Jk2 online as of right now can be described in the words of Ben Kenobi~"You will never find a more rechid hive of scum and villainy."

Later, Madmartigan :guard:

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Thank you Martigan and all the rest. Having read all your responses I find it reassuring to know that I'm not alone when I despair about the growing trend of rude behavoir, not only on JK2 but also other games. I think, since we a by far the minority, the only thing we can truly do is try and isolate ourselves to playing more with gamers of similar mind sets. That way we will be able to game in a fun and relaxing enviroment while the manners of those around us continue to degrade.

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I have been a internet gamer for 2 years, notably on CounterStrike. At the start of my online gaming experience people were in general polite. I joined a CS clan back then, and very much enojyed being part of a community that had mutal respect for each other, both inside and outside of the game (ie IRC). However, those days have gone. My CS clan server is now populated by 'leet' players who will happily rubbish their own team and spoil the game for others by making teams unfair by joining same side. There is much abuse, and in all, I now have stopped playing on my own clan server because I do not have fun. In my clan IRC room peole abuse other people; being there is no fun anymore. The gaming community at large has lost respect for itself.


Fun - o yes, that was the entire point of playing a game! When I read your orignal post in this thread, I wanted to copy a large chunk of it and place it into my own clan forum. You really sum up the way the gaming community has gone and how I feel about it. I find it increasingly more dificult to have fun online now when players start abusing each other.


I am sure that it is certain games, though I only have little prof of that. I recently bought eracer, and I have not heard any palyers insult any other yet. It is really what I mised and why I play that online more now.


If your clan is made up of like minded individuals, I would very much like to trial for you, any chance?



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TK - Where in my post did I complain about being called a noob?


Secodly, I couldnt give a stuff what people think of me in a video game! I have a life outside of computer and its what perople think of me in hte real world that bothers me.


However, I will say this. Encouragement is the key to sucess in anything in life. People are more likly to hang around and play games if they get encouragement and are not called cr*p or noob by their peers

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ummm when did i direct my post at you? I was talking about the thread in general. oh and btw playing like **** and being called a n00b probably gives someone more of a reason to get better at the game so he can kick the n00b who called him a newbs ___ <(insert word here) I don't think anyone is going to have much of a reason when their jedi master or whatever is holding their hand telling them how to do this and that.

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I have been a internet gamer for 2 years, notably on CounterStrike. At the start of my online gaming experience people were in general polite. I joined a CS clan back then, and very much enojyed being part of a community that had mutal respect for each other, both inside and outside of the game (ie IRC). However, those days have gone. My CS clan server is now populated by 'leet' players who will happily rubbish their own team and spoil the game for others by making teams unfair by joining same side. There is much abuse, and in all, I now have stopped playing on my own clan server because I do not have fun. In my clan IRC room peole abuse other people; being there is no fun anymore. The gaming community at large has lost respect for itself.


CS mainstreamed online gaming. As such, as more and more people start playing games, there's going to be more rude people.

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I've noticed immaturity more and more on the forums instead of the games.


People who act like kids on the games usually get their butts beat. Here on the forums they can tease all they want because they know there is nothing you can do to them.


Although most of them are so stupid you can spank them down with a grown up argument.

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This may or may not be understood...but I think some of the deterioration in character of some people started with the loss of the "wow" effect.

Remember when we all FIRST started playing online games with our friends. (It's been a while, I know) Most of those first few weeks or so (at least for myself and the people I know) was the amazement that we were even doing it in the first place. "Wow this is cool,freaky,etc"...those were the sentiments.

We were having fun, JUST HAVING FUN. Admit it or not, I'm sure everyone has that initial rush of playin games with their buddy down the street, or the fella(or gal) across the world. It didn't really matter who won.....it was ALL GOOD.


It's sad to think that those days may never return....does anyone else miss those days.


Just my opinion...Thanx for readin.

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Originally posted by Guardian Omega

Some people play to win and they'll get pissed off if you kicked their ass, and they'll talk trash if you got owned. I rather do the first!


The other people do have a point, though I can't imagine kids cursing. (Maybe it's because I was a really naive kid when I was young.:p )



I Agree.

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