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animations addon to the jedimod 1.2!! i have some questions!


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hey i had a few questions,


i am planning to make a mod on jedimod that practically(i will change only little coding) doesnt edit anything but add new and improve animations,and only edit some souce code,i hope people will want that.BUT I AM NOT GOING TO BE LIKE BOFH(or watever his name is)AND STEAL THE WORK :mad: I AM GOING TO SPECIFICALLY SPECCIFY THAT IT JUST EDITS THE ANIMATIONS of jedi mod 1.2 and maybe i will edit a few source other than that :D.


1. can someone please help me find out how to compile the 1.2 source code,it wont even work even when i dont edit anything,i know he says something about how in his readme but for some reason i am really confused about it.


when i compile with game.bat it says the following




C:\GAMES\JEDITHEREAL\editing\jedimod1.2source\game>del /q vm


C:\GAMES\JEDITHEREAL\editing\jedimod1.2source\game>if not exist vm\nul mkdir vm



C:\GAMES\JEDITHEREAL\editing\jedimod1.2source\game>cd vm


C:\GAMES\JEDITHEREAL\editing\jedimod1.2source\game\vm>set cc=..\..\..\bin\lcc -A

-DQ3_VM -DMISSIONPACK -S -Wf-target=bytecode -Wf-g -I..\..\cgame -I..\..\game -



C:\GAMES\JEDITHEREAL\editing\jedimod1.2source\game\vm>..\..\..\bin\lcc -A -DQ3_V

M -DMISSIONPACK -S -Wf-target=bytecode -Wf-g -I..\..\cgame -I..\..\game -I..\..\

ui ../g_main.c

The system cannot find the path specified.


2.i have softimage but i have no clue how to cerate animations,if anyone can help that would be appreciated


3.also i wanted to ask how i can add force ranks and is it possible(or really difficult) to make it possible to get both force side powers,i know the creator oof jediplus 3.1 said he has a force rank that you can but i cant find the rank

4. hey also how do i add emotes,like i know how to replace them in the source but i wanted to add a few for example i want to add the anime both_hit1 to make it look like you fall.


5. also i noticed in the jedi moves mods and stuff they replace animations wih others by just using the animations.cfg file,how do they do that i just know how to do it with the source bg_saber.c file.

6. how can i bind lets say the animation both_hit1 to some new command(or "emote" as dest calls them) like fakedeath that way someone can bind fakedeath(it is better than dests sleep emote) to a key or something.

also for example the emote kiss has many animations to it,first it is something like both_kiss then to stop it is both_kiss_stop,and then when a kiss on you is performed you have to do 2 animations too,how can i do that for 1 key like dess did.i want to have an emote and it is both_hugger1 and then both_heggerstop1,and the huggged needs to perform both_huggee1 and both_huggeestop1.any help on this is also appreciated.

in is code in cmd.c under the mod_emotes cvar he has alot of things here is one for flip.

else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "flip") == 0)


knownCmd = qtrue;




if i want to add lets say fake death and the animations is BOTH_HIT1 i would replace "flip" with "death" and what is the 587,where is the animation name for the move??




Lastly for now do u guys think this is a COOL mod,would you like to have a mod ike this.also do u think MAYBE if ido good on it dest can include it into his mod,because i know i am going to ave alot of new emotes and much better animations,like force getup instead of gettup and things like that.


ANY help would be appreciated.thanks, also tell me if you guys think thhis kind of mod would be cool.

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hmmmm i fixed the compile problem but got another one with cgame compile and ui compile it is this:



pass 1: bg_pmove

bg_pmove:2790 ERROR: symbol mod_scaleModels undefined

bg_pmove:25635 ERROR: symbol g_entities undefined

bg_pmove:25640 ERROR: symbol level undefined

bg_pmove:25643 ERROR: symbol G_AddEvent undefined

bg_pmove:28619 ERROR: symbol mod_nerfDualBlade undefined

bg_pmove:29726 ERROR: symbol mod_nerfspin undefined

bg_pmove:29944 ERROR: symbol mod_emotes undefined

pass 1: bg_lib

pass 1: bg_misc

pass 1: bg_saber

bg_saber:7720 ERROR: symbol mod_nerflunge undefined

bg_saber:8828 ERROR: symbol trap_SendServerCommand undefined

pass 1: q_math

pass 1: q_shared

pass 1: ui_shared

pass 1: cg_newDraw

9 total errors

code segment: 699524

data segment: 36180

lit segment: 70908

bss segment: 8011676

instruction count: 234573

Not writing a file due to errors

Writing ../../base/vm/cgame.map...

24 seconds elapsed






C:\GAMES\JEDITHEREAL\editing\jedimod1.2source\code\ui>del /q vm


C:\GAMES\JEDITHEREAL\editing\jedimod1.2source\code\ui>if not exist vm\nul mkdir



C:\GAMES\JEDITHEREAL\editing\jedimod1.2source\code\ui>cd vm


C:\GAMES\JEDITHEREAL\editing\jedimod1.2source\code\ui\vm>..\..\..\bin\lcc -DQ3_V

M -S -Wf-target=bytecode -Wf-g -I..\..\cgame -I..\..\game -I..\..\ui ../ui_main


cpp: ../../qcommon/gamedefs.h:17 ../../game/bg_public.h:13 ../ui_local.h:10 ../u

i_main.c:14 No newline at end of file

../ui_main.c:2716: undeclared identifier `UI_EFFECTS_SABER'

../ui_main.c:2716: case label must be a constant integer expression

../ui_main.c:2719: undeclared identifier `UI_EFFECTS_SABER2'

../ui_main.c:2719: case label must be a constant integer expression

../ui_main.c:5494: undeclared identifier `FEEDER_HILTS'

../ui_main.c:5494: case label must be a constant integer expression

../ui_main.c:5682: undeclared identifier `FEEDER_HILTS'

../ui_main.c:5972: undeclared identifier `FEEDER_HILTS'

../ui_main.c:6069: undeclared identifier `FEEDER_HILTS'


C:\GAMES\JEDITHEREAL\editing\jedimod1.2source\code\ui\vm>cd ..



can anyone help

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First make sure you have done all these steps...


Step 1)


copy ALL of the source from the SDK (not from Jedimod 1.2) to a directory under Gamedata.


Step 2)


Extract the JediMod1.2 source to that same directory, overwriting all the files that the zip file includes.


Step 3)


Take the files you changed and put them in that directory, essentially overwriting the JediMod1.2 files that need to change.


Step 4)


Compile the Mod using the .bats or Visual Studio (the way I do it)


If you have done all of these, let me know and we can see if we can debug it a little further. It sounds like a syntax error somewhere is messing up your compile. If you use Visual Studio, it gives you better error messages...

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well visual c++ says the same thing when i compile it there. the game folder compiles but teh rest dont. also i tried changing animations in bg_saber( i changed it there before and it worked) but since it is in the game dirrectory iand i can compile that,i tried but when i replace this qvm with the other one in the jedimod pk3 it still acts as the same mod and the animations arent changed...

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1) To fix the directory not found error, don't use the game.bat that came with jediMod - use the original one packaged with the sdk.



../ui_main.c:2716: undeclared identifier `UI_EFFECTS_SABER'

../ui_main.c:2716: case label must be a constant integer expression

../ui_main.c:2719: undeclared identifier `UI_EFFECTS_SABER2'

../ui_main.c:2719: case label must be a constant integer expression

../ui_main.c:5494: undeclared identifier `FEEDER_HILTS'

../ui_main.c:5494: case label must be a constant integer expression

../ui_main.c:5682: undeclared identifier `FEEDER_HILTS'

../ui_main.c:5972: undeclared identifier `FEEDER_HILTS'

../ui_main.c:6069: undeclared identifier `FEEDER_HILTS'


In the JediMod pk3 there's a file called menudefs.h in one of the folders. You must copy it over the one being used to compile your mod (i think it's in the gamedata folder...search for it - it's not in any of the cgame, game, or ui folders).


Then you're in business.

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alright, i already fixed the directory problem.also the game directory compiles and makes a qvm but after like every line it says

C:\GAMES\JEDITHEREAL\editing\jedimod1.2source\code\cgame\vm>..\..\..\bin\lcc -DQ

3_VM -DMISSIONPACK -DCGAME -S -Wf-target=bytecode -Wf-g -I..\..\cgame -I..\..\ga

me -I..\..\ui ../cg_localents.c

cpp: ../../qcommon/gamedefs.h:17 ../../game/bg_public.h:13 ../cg_local.h:5 ../cg

_localents.c:7 No newline at end of file


the parts that is worrying me is "no new line at end of file.


and i tried what you said but cgame and ui still doesent compile for the same errors.

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the parts that is worrying me is "no new line at end of file.


That won't cause you any problems.


and i tried what you said but cgame and ui still doesent compile for the same errors.


I'm home now, so i can tell you exactly where the menudefs.h file goes. Remember you have the menudefs.h from the jediMod_1_2.pk3\ui\jk2mp folder.

Copy this menudefs over the one found in the ...path of code to compile...\GameData\ui folder (Note - this is not the same as the ui folder you compile from).


UI_EFFECTS_SABER and company are defined in that menudefs, so you won't get the error anymore.

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hey thanks,that fixes that,so can anyone answer the rest of my quistions,i think i will just add new thread instead later on because this one is just packed with info on how to compile source.


also another questions is where do i replace animations other than the cg_saber.c file where i can only replace saber animations?i want to replace the roll animations and i cant,where did like saber_moves or some mod like that change their animations.

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