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Omfg Cogs


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This has gone too far apparently cogs have been released for jk2. If you played jk1 you'll know the terror that I'm talking about.

I saw some guy named Aeroshift playing on a pure server the other day and WTF he was un killable so I started spectating him and soon found out why he HAD 4000 shields WTF Raven????

Then it got worse I was playing in a saber duel and while I was bowing I got turned into a huge ****ing fish and died???

Oh and it got worse in one game someone turned into one of those huge walking things in that one star wars movie and was just shooting everyone.

WTF these were all pure servers too.

I'll get screenshots of this soon!

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I was so terrified by these cogs when I played that I haven't played yet, but tomorrow I'll go in the same server at the same time and see if the cogger is around and get screenshots for you if I see any unless of course I'm banned then you won't have any idea about it and soon they'll spread like wildfire and jk2 will be ruined for good all because I was banned from these forums.

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Originally posted by Guardian Omega

Cogs are JK's modified code in C, JKII's uses the ICARUS scripting.... I doubt you can convert them, even if you got them, I doubt at all you can pass a pure server, since it reflects on the host's files and data.


There have been hacked binaries for q3a to bypass pure. Lol.

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No you might be banned because you used sexual paraphernalia (Woot I can spell) to discribe a bug. Its like someone calling a person that uses a lame tactic 'Mother F****

C*********' (Its ok admins because I'm using it to inform him :D ) then posting that (Uncensored ;) ) as a legitimate way to discribe those ppl to others, even though it violates some on the forums words. :D



I doubt you'll be banned but then again this could be a hoax to prevent you from being banned. Or it could be a conspiracy, which has basings in the government, to make you seem like you're making a hoax to prevent you from being banned, to help cover up the fact that somewhere to the north of the united states there is a secret unknown country called canada that the government will kill to keep secret.



Or it's real.


Ah well I'll do some pubing to see it I can catch ppl :p

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are you sure its not our new "adminmod" on our server? we have the ability to "empower" people and they get "god" like things like using both light and dark forces at same time.. (but some dont work together).. also it gives you double sabar but doesnt allow you to pick up weapons.. and it gives you large amount of force and faster regen time. also damage is less..


anyways.. only way to get this is to have an admin empower you. everyone gets a message on the screen that this particular person has been empowered.


when i empower everyone it seems to lag.. i guess it takes more bw and all because your movements are alot faster.


so when i do this empowerment thing on our server i always give it to just 1 person on each team.


does that sound like what you seen?


anyways.. its just for fun and is not a cog but a admin mod for jk2.


it has many other features like sleep'n,slap'n,silence'n,and bunny'n any player or all players.


also the mod had lots of cool character animations but i had to turn them all off as they where too exploitable. (you take less damage when in the middle of the animation etc).


anyways.. i hope this is what your talkind about.. if not

then please use demo feature..


go to our website http://www.bfcarnage.com and look in gallery-jk2files for a demo.cfg file. download that and put in your gamedata\base folder.. then in jk2 client type "\exec demo.cfg".


then go looking for cogs and hit f12 to start demo and f12 to stop.. you can do this 40 times per session with this version of demo.cfg


demo'n is much better than screen shots.






EDIT: duh.. i just read your post on glowing stick bug.. im soo gullable.

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