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Need some custom texture


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I need some one out there to make me some custom textures plz very simple not hard at all i just dont know how to make em'. While at that some one i need a grass texture like a nice green kept up grass for like out front a business thx and how woul di go aobut making my own textures for anygame in paint shop pro 6


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Here's an easy and cheap way to make custom textures:

- Download the GIMP (free graphics manipulation program).

- Make a new picture with the GIMP at the right size for your texture.

- If you want to make a pattern or drawing on it then save it as a bitmap (bmp) and open it in Paint (you know that simple paint program in your start-menu ;) ).

- Now make the basic drawing in Paint.

- After this open it with the GIMP again for further manipulation and eye candy.

- Save it as jpg in your textures folder


An easy way to do anti aliasing in the GIMP is to simply scale up your texture to say double size and then scale it down again.


To get some natural color variation use noisify.


That's how I make my textures. Works fine until now (but I must say that I'm quite new to this).



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