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Need Help with Triggers (if it is one)


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Now a problem arises, in my team's project, there are seekers that come, and I am wondering if its possible to code the seekers into the map like on a trigger to come out every 5 minutes ?


I appreciate your guys taking your time to help me out... if you have any questions like how many, where from, just let me know.

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The best option I'm seeing is set up an NPC_Seeker with the key count being -1, so that it can respawn indefinitely... Then, target the spawnpoint at a target_delay so that when the seeker dies, it fires the target_delay. Then, target the target_delay at the spawnpoint, and give it a delay of, say, 180 seconds. After waiting 3 minutes after the seeker dies, the target_delay fires at the spawnpoint, and creates another one. What do you think?



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Hey Slunker, will this work for SP or MP? cause our map is MP, but if it will work for MP, great. Also, when doing this, if we can in MP, we would need 5, so we just set up 5 of the NPC_seekers, witht eh target_delay. and naturally, the seeker would come after the person right?

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Humm... actually, that wouldn't work in MP, because you can't use NPC's in MP, obviously. I'm pretty sure most everything would work about it... except, of course, the fact that you can't use NPCs, in MP. You can't use scripts, either. In fact, I'm fairly sure the whole idea of setting up something non-player and non-bot to do anything at all is impossible in MP without a Mod to support it...



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Originally posted by Slunker

Humm... actually, that wouldn't work in MP, because you can't use NPC's in MP, obviously. I'm pretty sure most everything would work about it... except, of course, the fact that you can't use NPCs, in MP. You can't use scripts, either. In fact, I'm fairly sure the whole idea of setting up something non-player and non-bot to do anything at all is impossible in MP without a Mod to support it...

Originally posted by Andy867

in my team's project,

i assume it's more than just a map. :)

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Its offensive seekers where they shoot at me... well, that sucks with the scripts.. Grrr. Say, anyone want to write a script for me? LOL... Damn... there goes that idea.. cause the map could be played in SP, but its no fun against the pc.. its too predictable..


And t3rr0r. i say project because the map was quite a complicated one, especially with the damn tris interferring with performance. and its a map pack, one map will be duel, the other will be FFA. although the FFA could also be played as a medium-sized duel.

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