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Contest #1

Twisted Vertex

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Alright here is the first contest guidlines. I figured to get the abll rolling and see how things turn out I'll judge for the first contest, anybody wanting to help me, please feel free to do so.











The following Saturday. You have midnight that saturday to complete your artwork and sumbit it to the judges.



Criteria: For people without Rendor capabilties.


Model a superhero. I wanted to keep it something simple. No textures are necessary, But detail in mesh will count. The mesh is to be completely one color.



People with Rendor Capabilites.


Model a two peices of gear that a Jedi/sith might wear. For examle a boot and saber. You will be judge on the orginality of the scence and the textures.







These criterias are pretty simple and are pretty wide open to possibilites. Have fun and hope to see some cool stuff. I really hope this works out.



any questions..........just post.

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I think we are ganna have to make it a tad bit more spacific than that. Also isn't a peice of jedi/sith gear a really quicky model? Sure they got to skin it and all but I don't see how that would put any preasure on them.




And why do people without any/little modeling expierence have the bigger assignment? :eyeraise: They have to model the size of a full human, with a lot of detail, while the experts get to do a small peice of equipment that won't have a lot of detail (jedi/sith keep things compact, unless its a spaceship).

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hmmm, interesting.....I thought that making an actuall "scence" with jedi/sith gear was going to be much harder. I did say "SCENCE" which means you include the whole 'sha hang" not just the materails and tetxures on a couple of a cyclinders. I wanted to see a Nice complete scence. Polycount is not an issue.


I really wanted to keep this first one WIDE open. Your pretty much free to just about anything. As time goes on, and hopefull more people get invovled, then we can generate little be more spefic critiera.

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Sorry, that was spilt over from another post, won't happen again (I hope). Anyway,s its 12:00 Am Sunday morning, meaning the start of the contest. So do we know of any people who are participating?





Oh wait, it already started at 12:00 Am yesterday..... oh well, same question.

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