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Mike Bullard


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I was just watching his show a while ago. Open Mike with Mike Bullard is a late night show on TV famous in Canada.... yes we do have our own televion stars up here :p


Anyways, this guy is very funny. He has a little segment from time to time compairing Canada and American. I found these on his web sites. (some of you might not get it if you dont know a little canadian politics)


In America:

When a man assaults a total stranger in public, he's a deranged lunatic.

In Canada:

He's the Prime Minister.


In America:

President Clinton teases his dog by holding out piece of steak and then eating it himself.

In Canada:

Prime Minister Chretien teases Paul Martin by drafting resignation letters and then throwing them out.


In Canada:

Group of kids in hockey sweaters are on their way to practice.

In America:

Group of kids in hockey sweaters are on their way to crack house.


In America:

Army troops warned to wear gas masks when in the Gulf.

In Canada:

Army troops warned to wear gas masks when partying with Ross Rebagliati's friends.


In Canada:

Frustrations over Olympic hockey loss will be taken out on Finland in bronze medal game.

In America:

Frustrations over Olympic hockey loss will be taken out on Iraq.


In Canada:

We say; "I'm putting on my running shoes."

In America:

They say; "I got shot for my sneakers."



They believe that George W. Bush took drugs during his father’s Presidency.


We believe that Jean Chretien’s mother took drugs during his pregnancy.



We wonder... "where is America headed" as the new millennium approaches.


They wonder…“Where is Canada?”


Now, dont forget. This is comedy. HUMOUR. You have to be able to laugh at yourself for this. A trait Canada is known for. To take jokes light heartedly.


For Mike Bullard's site just go here: http://staging.snapmedia.com/openmike/

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Those are pretty good Jackal, although, nothing beats "Talking to Americans" on "This hour has 22 minutes".:D


Yea Chief, Much Music is Canadian. Not bad channel, well, besides when all the poppy stuff comes on. I want Much Loud :(


Anyone who wants to have a laugh, check this out. By the way, try not to take it too seriously, it's just a little poke at all the stereotypes about us. We don't mind people laughing at us, as we've learned to laugh at ourselves too. :D He even acts a bit like the stereotype Canadian at the end when he says "Thank you"

My name is Joe...


I'm sure some of you have already seen it, but this is just for a bit fun anyways. Hope you have QuickTime.

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