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joystick configuration


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Which one has X-Wing Alliance on it?



That is the first and last explanation i'll ever do.


Someone make this post a note at the top of the forum entitled-XWA Topics don't go here.

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Ok before some admin comes and closes this ill try to answer.


I dont quite get what your saying but I think you want to be able to change the X and Y Axis so that X does what Y does currently? This is not supported in XWA, however button assignments are and several Axis options are under Controls - Joystick. Changing how X and Y work should be done under your joystick control software (assuming you arent just using windows drivers :D) If you have a Z Axis be careful cause changing the wrong Axis would really screw things up (theres probably an undo button anyway)


If this doesnt solve the problem and this thread gets closed, then you can email me (cause i never check the other forums) (and this is cause i cant remember if my email is on my sig) (or just add me to msn messenger contacts) jabbathehunt@hotmail.com

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