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Softimage|XSI Demo available


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Just a copy and pase from Polycount


That ever resourceful Fabool from the boards has posted that there is now a demo version of SoftImage|XSI available for download. The demo version is also available for order on CD, for those of you still living in modem land. You can get the low down on what the demo has and what you can do with it here at the SoftImage site. That page doesn't mention amything about disabled features or watermarks and I still haven't had a chance to pick it up yet, but if you are ready to get a little touch of the SoftImage stuff, you should head here and download it.

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Maybe your downloading it fromt eh wrong section. I did a quick run through of the site and got this for you.








lol, i justed clicked the link about and its the same as mine. I tshould work once you fill out all your information. I did it as a tester and it worked.

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Ok, to import a Jedi knight skeleton, there is an import function called import DOT xsi. But first you'll need to covnert from xsi 3.0 which the jk2 skeletons are in.........i think...... The jedi trainier is probably going to be the only skeleton that works.


One you import convert your camera viewport to a user viewport. On a side note I hope you have a mouse with three buttons, for it will speed up your workflow........I however don't :(.......


Learn the hotkeys.

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No no.....I mean three buttons, your workflow will improve. At the bottom of the screen you see the letts L M R. whenever you select something look at the botton of the screen. The letter corresponds to the mouse buttons.


The zoome button for example


L .....pan


m....zoom in


R...... zoom out.


did you succesffully import the models. What I did was get the xsi>max plugin from the softimage site. I load the model in max, and exported it out as xsi 2.0.1 compatiable.

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