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I have a quick question,ive only played a few weeks,but was wondering if there was such thing as auto aim...Seems some people NEVER miss me,and others miss a lot(like i miss them) so i was wondering if the people that dont miss are either REALLY awesome,or using some sort of a hack..

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As far as I know there is not auto aim. That would suck major (insert items). Some people are a lot mre skilled than others. The only thing that I know of is that some people shoot where people are going to be rather than where people are. If someone is running at an angle you do not want to shoot right at them. You would almost never hit them. Instead you want to shoot a little to the left or a little to the right.


I remember the best shot I ever pulled off was when I was playing Team Free For All. What happened is that I was sabering with this other person and got his hit points down to a dangerous level. He decided to run instead of attempt to kill me. I could not catch up with him and only had the saber and my normal blaster. We were playing on Yavin (not the CTF one) and he was trying to jump over the extended wall. I charged up my blaster shot a little to the left and watched his limless body fall back down to the earth while he was in mid air. He got so mad he left the server. THAT was an excellent shot.


So in short no there is no auto aim unless someone is cheating.



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I did something like taht before. I only had enough ammo for a charged shot. there was a guy chasing me with a rocket launcher, he had full ammo! so I was dodging it, then I started to charge my bryar, and turned around, shot him, and then he died. It was close, I only had 10 helath. :eek:

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There us no auto aim with out ether a mod, or a cheat.


The only cool thing I ever did was when I was facing off against two saberists on FFA Bespin. I had just ran of Power cell ammo ( which was just when I ran out of Mecanical bolt ammo), so I was using a byrar pistol. I charged it up and jumped, shoting from the air, killing one jedi, then charged it up again. I landed behind hte other sabersit and shot him in the back. 2 more kills :D:)


So anyway, just pratice aiming. Figure out the speed of the bullets so that you can time it perfectly (Blasters will travel slower, so aim even further ahead, distritor will travel faster, so aim closer to the person.) Pratice aiming while jumping becasue that will really surprise the person you are trying to kill, and give you a higher chance of killing a saberist.

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Originally posted by BigTeddyPaul

That is true. I usually never jump because I do not have three hands and it is more difficult. When people do that though it ticks me off just because they will not stay in one spot and that I cannot do it that well.




Um.. I don't have three hands ether :rolleyes:


Rebind your controls to suti your syle


Don't use the default ones!!!!


For instance, I use the arrows keys, and binded left for sidestep left, right for side step right. I binded 0_ins to jump, and shift to crouch. Then I used the keys above them (delete, insert, end, home) to the force powers I mainly use (push, pull, heal, drain)


It is much easier to play that way :)

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I have changed some of the buttons also. I use ' for pull, / for push, and shift for force use. I still have not changed the crouch or jump button though because I don't know where to place them. I thought that if you use the right key pad it messes up the game or something. I read that it was not compatible with the game and should not be used. Was I informed wrongly? Thanks a lot.



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It does mess up somethings becasue:


1 is actually 1 and End.


6 is actually 6 and right arrow key.


also because there is a 1 on the left of the keyboard and on the right keypad.



So it has something to do with that. Nothing tooo major anyway. Don't know exactlly what happens, but its not something that would effect gameplay tooo much.

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