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Box Art?

Guest Tie Guy

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Ok, we have the box art located at Amazon.com, and i just saw a per-order at at Gamespot.com that had a different box with only a stormtrooper helmet and a couple things in the background. The background in both was red.


Anyways, express your opinions, ideas, and complaints about the boxart here.

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ok, hope this works......


EDIT: Ok, it didn't. Just go to the PC news section and refresh until you find it. It has the boxes of Yuris Revenge, GB, and Wolfenstein on it.

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No, thats the point. We've seen 2 different versions, and that makes me believe that neither of them are real. Plus, i don't think that LEC would put just the Empire on the box, that seems like a thing that someone would put on there to attract non-Star Wars fans or something like that.

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starcraft had box sets for each of the three species. LEC could do the same where there were six diff box arts, one for each species obviously. or they could do one which includes some of the more popular faces in just one box set.


this is the first time i've commented on threads other than disaster since tuesday. hopefully my interest in the game will be restored b/c rite now my thoughts are somewhere else...

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