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jedi council members OPPO RANCISIS, and YARAEL POOF


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It's impossible to make Yareal Poof because his neck is way the hell too long. It wouldn't fit on the humanoid skeleton.


well i did make a Yarael test head and it works fine.


The problem with poof is the long arms, hands and legs. im far from having a Poof model ready, i'm just testing possibilities...

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I just had a thought, since you said you were testing out ideas.

It may be possible to make the long arms, legs, and neck by modelling Poof's torso to be small (relative to the root skeleton) model his neck to encompass part of the upper torso, attempt to attach his arms from a lower starting point and tie them to the skeleton's arms, I don't think you have to worry about his legs much (according to some sources he has four arms though) and then with the scaling mod make him larger.

The most difficult thing of course is the lowering of the arms, neck, and shoulder area... and then properly attaching them to follow the root skeleton's animations without error.

I never thought it possible to make Poof myself, but this idea may be something to go with.



root skeleton basic model:

\ O/




/ \

/ \


Yareal Poof model

\ O /

\ : /



/ \

/ \



: = neck






LOL! The pictures aren't coming out quite right- can't get those to work :p

The basic idea is there though. Look at it in simple segments.

O = head

\/ = arm segments

: = neck segments

| = torso segments

/\ = leg segments


Hope I haven't wasted too much of anyone's time ;)

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that's impossible cuz if u make the torso smaller and the arm segment start lower, the deformation won't be correct because the shoulder part won't even be touching the skeleton, u need to have at least the top of the shoulder touching the bottom of the clavical bones

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The problem is, when deformation occurs, the bones must be pretty close to the mesh.


For the head its ok because, the neck bends at the bottom and the head itself is following the base movement, still gives the impression that the head is moving and not stiff.


I will do some test with longer arms to see how it derforms.

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