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WIP - Anakin Solo


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Nice man. I think Jacen would have to be my second favorite eu character. My favorite? Kyp Durran. I don't know why. I guess because he's a rebel. Goes against the acadamy and Luke. Pretty sweet. "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny." I bet Kyp turns to the ds in a later book. But that's a discussion for Yoda's swamp. Anyway, enough of my babble. Anakin looks great. And I hope Jacen kicks as much arse.


PS. Let me know if you need any ref pics of any eu. :)

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I've got some really good pics of Jacen...lot better ones than I had of Anakin....so this should be easy for me:D . I've finished his face...On the the hair! Once I get the hair done I'll post some pics.


Might be a bit slow though....I've been foolin around with modeling. I'm gonna try to import a model from JO(if I figure it out:( ) and try to start a model offa it.

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Very nice job. And by the way, Anakin's latest EU age was 16-17, so this is not at all far off. (except the bearded one.)


Now i'm just waiting for someone to do a GANNER RHYSODE Skin!! I mean, if the Yuuzhan Vong feared this guy so much they'd build a gigantic statue of him with his words etched at it's base and even hail him, a human, as the guardian of the underworld...


He's got to be the tuffest EU character around.


I'm rambling. pay me no heed.

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Hummm he sounds kewl...but I dun know anything about him. Can you gimmie some background info and find some good pics of his full body....or atleast decent pics of him period. I found one fanart picture of him that is really cool looking. So I assume he is the one with the big scare on his eye and black hair. Anyway...if you do this mabey I'll make a skin of him...he looks like a cool character:p .

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Darth Vicious: Very nice job. And by the way, Anakin's latest EU age was 16-17, so this is not at all far off. (except the bearded one.)


You sure I could have sworn when he was on Yavin he was 14-15.

No big deal but I made some botfiles that I sent into jediknightii.net for all us people that have lousy internet connections. The botfiles are jedimod compatible. The file comes with an updated tckconfig file to make anakin the correct size, also give him his purple tinted lightsaber and a special saber handle for him. Do not worry this was with premission from Bleek.




Now i'm just waiting for someone to do a GANNER RHYSODE Skin!! I mean, if the Yuuzhan Vong feared this guy so much they'd build a gigantic statue of him with his words etched at it's base and even hail him, a human, as the guardian of the underworld...


Yeah I know what you mean when I read that glimpse of the future thing by vergere in the last book. I dont know why people hate this books they have such great twist and plots. Also did you read Rogue Jedi it took place After the phantom menace and anakin and obiwan are looking for a jedi named vergere that was lost on the farthest planet on the outerrim where the Yuuzhan vong come from later. I thought that was neat how they combined the two different times.


Sorry for getting off topic, I finally found people that like the EU!:D

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No problem! If you want I'll make bots for all your work if you want me too. I saw your model of owen and if you need one for that I'll do that one too. Just tell me what you want the botfile to inclued such as sabercolor, hiltprefrence, and light or dark force.


The funny thing about the bot support for jacen solo and jaina solo is inside the assets 0 pk3 there are bot files for these two characters the only thing missing for them are the scripts wich control sabercolor, and hiltprefrence and such things.

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In this picture, http://www.idcnet.com/~ivanova/Corran/corranganner.jpg


Ganner is scarface, the guy in the background with the yellow lightsaber. (Not sure on this, but he might be the first EU book character with a sulferous-yellow blade. Seeing as how the authors have to ask GL personally about every lightsaber color they want to introduce, it's nice to see the different blades, purple/orange/yellow/silver officially endorsed.)


Anyway, Ganner started out as a ladies' man picture perfect Jedi on Kyp Durron's faction. After a near-death experience fighting the Yuuzhan Vong, he did a complete 180, saw through Kyp's side, and pretty much rejoined Luke's faction.


There is more to his story, but i'll refrain from telling as it reeks with spoilers. but his best quote is probably...


"This threshold is mine. I claim it for my own. Bring on your thousands. One at a time, or all at once, I don't give a damn. None shall pass."


And none did.


By the way -- the books rock.

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Sounds and looks like a badass dood. I'd like to do a skin of him but at the moment I'm working on ...about 4 diff things. Of course this is all for fun for me....but I guess I try to take on too much at one time.


Icepool....It would be great if you could make botfiles for all my skins/models....sounds good...I'll inform you as I finish things. Right now my main problem is UV mapping...guess I'm trying to avoid it although I know I can't:p .

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In my opinion, he looks a bit too old... But, eh, it's all good. :)


Anyways, for later reference, you may want to check out the JediCouncil.net casting call section for a little reference on what the fans believe the characters would look like, if portrayed in a movie. Might be a good idea if you ever want to do some more 'movie-like' versions of your skins.

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Thx for the website. Only prob with Anakin is that I used the Luke model...so it's kinda hard to make him look really young. I did the best I could though:eek: . Right now I think my Jacen Solo skin is looking better than my Anakin one...but I've only skinned mabey a total of 5-6 skins...ever! I'm improving each skin I guess. Use to not know how to skin at all...then I didn't know anything about textures. I'm still trying to figure out how to do shaders and stuff...but no one helps me when I ask:mad: . I read a tutorial on Quake 3 shaders..dun help me.

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