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I have never been able to search LucasForums. I've never found out why. Never got an answer. It would help immeasurably if I could search for answers to my questions. I know they're here. But I don't have the time to sift through thousands of posts titled, "Help me! I'm a newbie!"


There had better be a damned good reason why the ability to search for information in this forums is disabled.

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I really, really wish I had an answer because I have some really, really bad technical problems that I really, really need to solve.


Please, someone answer me. Does the search function work for anyone? I know people have read this thread. And I know what a pain some n00bs can be by demanding a quick answer to posts. But this is a simple question. Does the search function work for ANYBODY?

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I know read before on why they disabled the search engine. I think it had to with bandwidth, cuz with 300 people theoretically all wanting to search, it would slow down the server to a halt, or at least so slow people not searching can't get to the thread or reply that they want to accomplish... But this thread should not be here, it should be in either Technical, or in Yoda's Swamp.

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Originally posted by Andy867

I know read before on why they disabled the search engine. I think it had to with bandwidth, cuz with 300 people theoretically all wanting to search, it would slow down the server to a halt, or at least so slow people not searching can't get to the thread or reply that they want to accomplish... But this thread should not be here, it should be in either Technical, or in Yoda's Swamp.


I mean no offence to you, Andy. But that's a really sorry excuse. Every single other bulletin board has search capabilites. For technical forums like this, it's vital, essential, indispensable, invaluable, etc., etc., ad. nauseum.


If it's impossible to search this bulletin board, then I assume without any doubt in my mind that people won't mind if I ask really basic questions about modelling for Jedi Knight: II? Questions that have been asked dozens of times before? Because they can't possibly expect me to search through endless threads with non-descriptive subject names. Am I right in assuming I won't get an irritated, "Do your research!" or "Read the FAQs!" and other non-helpful responses? Sorry, but I, along with countless others, have been burned by rude people in forums like this.

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Here is the 'semi-official' thread on the matter.



Also, this doesn't necessarily have much to do with modeling, or editing in general.


Tip: use the Find(on this page) tool in IE or I think Netscape has Find. It may take a while to go through a few pages, but it is faster than manually searching.

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