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Rhino 3d, one of the best!


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http://www.rhino3d.com/ its a 20mb d/l but its worth it! its probaly the easyest modeling program to use out there, however modeling is all it can do, maping textures and animation are not one of its features, i would recomened using this with milkshape. with the evaluation you only get 25 saves, there are ways to get around this, otherwise you have to pay the $800, which is considerably cheaper than $3000 for 3ds max, anyway its a great d/l, its easy and complex at the same time:)
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A NURB is a Non-Uniform, Rational, B-spline. It is a mathematical technique using polynomials to describe smooth curves or surfaces. The ‘B’ stands for “Basis”. It was developed in the early 1970’s as a method for creating smooth curves and surfaces interactively on the computer screen. A NURB is defined using vertex points, a knot vector, a polynomial degree, and one weight value per vertex point. The most identifying feature of a NURB is that the curve (or surface) does not pass through the defining vertex points. This means that a program that uses NURBs allows you to edit the shape of a curve or surface by moving or dragging these vertex points. Since these vertex points do not lie on the curve or surface, the program usually connects the vertex (edit) points with straight lines. These lines are sometimes called the vertex mesh for NURB surfaces.


Did a quick search on Google, here is your "TEXT BOOK" answer.

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*Head Explodes*


You know what.. I think I'll try something else other than trying to model. :p

Cause when you guys say it's "easy to use" I get excited and say "yeah! I can do this!", then I open the program and don't know what the hell I'm doing. So I take it you mean it's easy for people who already know how to model? :o

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Originally posted by STEVEMFRED

K.O. it just takes patience, trail and error and asking for help. also reading tutorails helps too :D


Where r the tutorials the only tutorials i've found are ones that tells u how to add caps i've found none that tell u how to make and actual smooth model (human)

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try http:http://www.3dtotal.com There they have a fantastic tutorial called joan of arc. this tutorial can get translated to all program types across the board.


You find the tutorial in the free stuff section. Post your result PLEASE, I really would like to see how you did.



EDIT: if you really wanna go hardcore, visist http://www.cgtalk.com ..This website isn't for the faint of heart. Though they offer lots of help, and show off some great techniques.

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I assume your talking about the retroscopy part, where you use the pics as a refrence when you draw. What I did for that tutorial was make to Boxs. Bring Up the height. Make it thin, so when you in perspective mode, you can easily see around around. All you have to do is assign the texture through the texture editor, and make it visible in the viewports.

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