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setup for compiling glm files:


create a c:\base directory, next extract the _humanoid.gla in there (c:\base\models\players\_humanoid).


install the tools in c:\base...


copy carcass.exe in the "c:\base\models\players\_humanoid"


when ready to compile:


In assimilate, check your preferences settings (Edit menu)


the compiler line should be:



leave the quake dir blank.


Go to "add files" and then point to the .gla file. Make sure the root.xsi is in the same dir as carcass.exe


assimilate will create a default .car file, save this file as model.car, i suggest u use this one instead of the ones provided by raven.


when ready, click the B icon and you should see a dos window popup...you'll get a valid glm file or some error message...

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That sounds great. I'll follow your directions. Thank you very much.


But I'm curious about one thing. Why should I install the tools to c:\base? Why not work with the tools in the location that the installer wants to put all the tool programs and files?

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A better way is to open the model.car file included in (IIRC) the stormtrooper directory and copy it. Now modify the file (should be very straightforward what you need to modify).

Then, if you installed the tools correctly, you can double click on your modified model.car file and assimilate will open. Then press the "b" burron and you're done.


This works better than other methods, as assimilate will now display the correct project name in the sidebar to the left...

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The reason i use this method is because of the directory structure used by the game (based on Q3), when i export from 3D max, everything is going to c:\base.....\_humanoid


the textures are already in:


c:\base\models\players\"my model"


so now i'm sure i wont get any error messages about missing shaders or the path being too long, i simply move the glm to the character's dir and double click, everything loads up in modview.


MacD is right, his way should work fine too, it's just that i'm ready to pack everything once my model is compiled to .glm.


anyway, thats just the method i prefer.

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That's an awesome model you're doin', very good textures too!.


The only thing i would fix are the lips (make them a bit smaller) and the cheeks, other than that it's perfect.


by the way, Jk2 models have eyes, they are simple spheres...so you might want to create eye sockets and put some in there.


(i think someone already told you that)


I will certainly add this model to my collection!

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Did you follow my procedure?, that's why i told you everything should be assigned from the model's path in max right from the start.


"Error, material "d:/projects/xev player model/xev3hair.jpg" is fully-pathed, this should be local-path only"


the local path is:




do not use blank spaces for dir names (sorry i didnt correct that in my setup post...)


name it like this ...\"your_player_model"


Dont forget to move your textures to the path i just mentioned above, then assign them to the model in 3D studio max, then export to .XSI


I prefer to put carcass in the _humanoid dir, but it doesnt really matter, just make sure its pointing to the right dir.


If you still need help, dont hesitate to ask!



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Yes, I followed your procedure. Read the my post I linked to over at Polycount.


I'm too tired to work on this anymore. I have to get ready and go to DragonCon. I wanted to have this model done before then, but it's been a nightmare with just this one, final, all-important part.


I'll have to pick up this problem again next week. Thanks for the help.



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