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Final Fantasy skins???


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there s a Yuffi model in the works I believe, and I;ve been requesting sephiroth, but I do it in the OFFICIAL REQUEST THREAD. so you might want to try there. Because I am sure KMAN will probably step in and say something along those lines about the request thread.

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Well, I don't check the request thread myself, Becasue I like to do the myself, Genreally I would complete and not release it. The only work I'll probably release will be the stuff for ROTJ....I do this to avoid the GIMME GIMME GIMMEs....


Plus I like to work on stuff I am interested in doing, people tend to lose interest quick when they are doing it for other people.

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Why doesnt anybody make a cloud model??? It would be awsome, its been requested, but everybody ignores 3/4 of the requests.


There are few experienced modellers in the JK2 community, and most of them would probably rather create what they would like than complete other peoples requests.

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