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For anyone who needs a Weighted Skeleton

Darth Vigrid

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When I first started weighting my Joruus C'baoth model, I found that one of the most annoying parts of the process was weighting the tags to the bone structure. I've had a .max file of the skeleton with all the tags weighted for a while now, and I thought it would be a good idea to share it with the communtiy.


If you want you can download it here or you can check out my website where I have added it to the files section.

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cool good job, weighting all of the tags (and not just the r_hand and l_hand) isnt done on most of the models because usually it doesnt present it self as any problem. so most of the time the modelers just weight every bolt, other than r and l hand to the pelvis.


but i coudl see in the case of new possible mods that might spawn somehting at the certain tages and the modeleres who chose not to weight them properly will be fish out of water.




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I never did really get that: what exactly do the tags need to be weighted to the correct bones for? 'People' say dismemberment...but I think the models with tags weighted to a single bone dismember properly, don't they?


Makes me wish I hadn't done it 'properly' :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shoo, I finally found this thread again. Somehow the one I was using got deleted so I had to redownload it. I am glad you put this out b/c I HATE tags with a passion. Now I won't have to worry about them. I'm using this on my latest project. It's kinda a secret, kinda not but the mesh is nearly done. A few people know :). Well thanks a lot again. And great work

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