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WIP: RCS Eldritch Storm (Victory Class Star Destroyer Mk II)


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Well, I've finally moved up to a huge project. I have all of THREE maps under my belt now (yes, that was sarcasm!) and I've decided to make something more on the epic scale of the oh-so-famous-and-popular Jabba's Palace map.


As you may have guessed, my project is a Star Destroyer. Yes, ,I know it's been done before, but the beautiful thing is, since there are no floorplans for one of these babies ANYWHERE (that I could find) we could ALL make one, and be equally right!


Especially since I say upfront that this one is a custom ship done for a private group anyway! (Yes, it's gonna be a public release, but the map is primarilly being done for a clan)


Some bits and pieces are already up and running. I've created a status page for it on my website (http://www.geocities.com/shadriss/storm.html) along with some "builder's photos" (aka screenies) for the completed areas.


I expect it'll take me a little while to finish it, but I am HOPING it will be, one day, in a class with the much loved maps of this game.


Suggestions and comments (even negative ones from you flamers!) are welcome. Thanks for your support!



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While it's true that the EMPIRE didn't use them, not all Vic CLass SDs (or even IMP classes, for that matter...) belonged to them. THe Rebellion had several captured ones that could EASILLY be refit to support X-wings.


Nicee to know SOMEONE cares though... other than that minor issue, ,I take it the screenies looked good, and hence, I shall press on...

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I had to work out some beamshader issues, but now that they work correctly, I've managed to finish the Hanger Deck. Screenshots of the remaining rooms on that deck are posted on my status site.


So, that brings me to the start of the engineering deck. I did a preliminary map of it earlier, and to be honest, it has a faint trek-ish look to it. I'm gonna try to polish those out when I do the final versions, but as we've never SEEN a star destroyer's engine room, who's to say what it looks like.


Currently, I plan to have a fuel mixing room, an atmospheric control room, a Hyperdrive motivator room, and the engine room itself. Hopefully, I can get them all to look decent.


As always, any comments for possible improvements or additions are welcome.

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My status on Aux deck:

I've got the basic hallway in place, the cargo hold that can be entered almost finished, and I am working on the Aux systems room, which has

Aux Comm

Aux Nav

Aux Sens

These stations are all in one room dividewd by glass panneling, and each section is different (well, duh...:rolleyes: ). Aux comm is almost done.

HEh... I sense another RPG map coming along in the force :D

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As a way of looking for ideas for other rooms to put in this monster of a ship, I went and took a look at the HOOD SD map. My jaw dropped when I walked around it. But NOT because it was real good.


What's there is nice, granted. But the arrangement left a bit to be desired. In fact, the arrangement would have been better suited to a ground base. Yes, the Empire likes to put bottomless pits in thier ships (I'm sure the shipbuilders had a REASON for it...) but having a HUGE one as the centerpiece of the map? Hmmm.


Pluses : Lots of TIES and a fairly believable hanger area.


A Fairly nice council room.


Minuses : Mirrors IN the ATST room. Ugh. They didnt even WORK right.

Control Room - IS there one? I saw one that maight have been a ground bases's control, but not a SDs.


Ok, enough griping about someone else's work.


The Fuel Mixing room and the actual engine room have been laid out, and they are both MOSTLY textured, so pregress continues unabated. No screenies of those areas yet, but I hope to have some by tommorrow afternoon.


And suddenly, I feel this map is MUCH better than I thought it was gonna be... I wonder why, with THIS kind of stiff compitition...

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After a good week or so of work, the Engineering Deck is completed and connected to the rest of the ship. Screenshots and the complete project status can be found here : http://www.geocities.com/shadriss/storm.html


Construction on the Auxiliiary Deck will begin soon, just as soon as Wes sends me the rough blueprints. (Hint hint...)


As always, comments or suggestions are MORE than welcome.

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Well, I fixed the bandwidth problem I was having there. The site has been totally redesigned.


In the news for the map :


The Aux Deck has been renamed to the Cargo deck, ,which will have six cargo holds, as originally planned, only three of which are enterable. The Aux Control rooms have been removed (Why bother?), though the crew's lounge has been fully mapped out, and should be textured by saturday afternoon (I hope).


Shortly after that, I hope to have it connected to the rest of the ship and have new screenies up.

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Sorry, Monkey. I've been a little busy lately.


Staus is as follows :


The Living deck is complete and attatched. However, ,I'm having a in-game error that I'm having to trtack down and fix. When I bring the map up I get "CM_Inlinemodel : bad number"


I have one idea that I havent tried yet (I copied and pasted all my doors on that level to speed things up...perhaps I shouldn't have?) But until that gets fixed, I wont be moving on to the next deck.


As always, the latest status can be found on my site, http://www.geocities.com/shadriss/storm.html.


Thanks for the support, Monkey. I'll trty to remember to keep you posted next time. :)


:borg1: Hail, Lord Vader. The Workers are complaining again...


:vadar: You may dispence with the pleasentries Commander. I'm here to put you BACK on schedule!


:borg1::lightning You will pay the price for your lack of vision!

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Ok, I got an answer concerning the error I had. Seems it had something to do with either the doors or the lifts I installed on this floor. So, I deleted them all (save two doors I put in for the bottom lift doors...) and ran a fastvis nolight, and it ran fine.


That said, I still have to put the doors back in (all 40 or so of them) and, providing it still works at that point (insert prayer here) I'll rebuild the lifts.


A scene from D.A.R.Y.L. comes to mind...


A blinking screen with the message "I hope we get away with this..."


:deathii: What do you mean, "We have no doors installed in the bathrooms?"

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