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Bot Support?


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OK. So my map so far works great...unfortunately the bots do nothing but jump around. How do I add bot support to this map?


Also, when I try to alter the light intensity, no matter what I set it to it brightens up the entire level (it's at 400 right now)...what's up with this?


Last but not least, how do I load MD3s in my map? I have a couple of models that will be pretty hard to prefab, so I want to just put them in the map in certain places. How do I go about doing this? Anyone know any tutorial sites that explain it?

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for the brightness, are you trying for spotlights? for the light, go to the entity window, and type light for the key and for the value type 90.. and if you are trying for spotlights, you need to make sure to select the Light first as the source, and the info_null second.

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