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a .nav file


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I was wondering what a .nav file is for? Is it have something to do with bot support or navigation points for a map?


Are .nav files for SP or MP maps? And if so, how does one create a .nav file exactly? I have not included a .nav in my MP .pk3 file, and it still seems to work okay - just not sure what, why or how to get the .nav file made -- or even what it does exactly and how it is created.


And tips, advice or hints are welcome.

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Ah okay thanks. I recall a .nav being auto-created, but it was I guess on a SP map.


I have been working on MP maps lately and for the past few days and did not know where to get or find a .nav file, but maybe it is only for SP maps and the game somehow creates it for some reason.

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TO confirm, yes a .nav file is a SP NPC navigation file. The rough equivalent for MP maps is the .wpt file for botrouting. The main differance is that the .wpt file isn't automatically created... But hey, if you wanna know how to do that, just find one of the hundreds of threads asking about it! :)

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