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saber glow w/jedimod


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hi, i've been out of this for a while, so this might soud a little newbish, but is there a way to remove the saber glow in jedimod/tck sabers? the blur/reflected glow was easy enough to remove, i don't see a way to take out the primary blade though. i've had a few weapon models collecting dust for months (katana, kama, scythe, shikomi zue, etc) the textures and sounds are done, so if anyone knows a way to fix this they should be ready to release.


also; is there a way to set a hot key to switch between specific hilts?

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yes you can completly remove the glow and the trail (colored and the white one too )



and comment the code from line 4909 to 4963 and the other same block a few lines after .


for the hot key either you create a script that will loop throught the hilts you have !

hilt and hilt2 cvar.


or you code a function that will select the next hilt !


that's not really hard !

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Covax; right, i made a dan ji with that effect a few weeks after the game came out (quite possibly the worst weapon model released to date:) ) but that dosent remove the reflected glow in mp, tck works but it normaly leaves a white core.

ps; i looked into your dragon mod some time ago (i'm on a 56k so thats probably all i'll see of it)... no offense intended, but if you want some help modeling the cross bow just send a few reference pics and i'll see what i can do. (the 'bolts' are recolored bo shuriken right :) )


Tchouky; ah ha!... ok so it dosen't really mean anything to me (sigh), don't get me wrong i can code quite well... in q basic :), i'd hardly know where to begin here though (the second editing tools link me to this random quick time prompt)


cycling through the sabers would be fairly simple, my problem (other than codeing experiance) is calling specified alternate hilts. ie: i made inactive (untaged) sheathed models for the katana and shikomi zue. granted, you could manualy switch to them when the weapons aren't in use, but i'd rather set a sheathing hot key, that is if it where only a matter of simple scripting or key binding.

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:cool: It's apreciated. I can't model to save my life, but I felt like I needed another weapon effect, hence messing with the shuriken mod effects. Right now all I REALLY want are some new swords for the JediMOD Remix.


As for the saber glow, again the lame answer would be to just disable the dynamic lighting. There were also a few 'color sample' files that I'm going to try and black out to see what effect they have.

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