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most tence moments in a fight?


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we've all had moment where it was a "Do or lose" situation in the game. So, whats your most memorable moment?


mine happened, amazingly, with a stupid bot in a dual.


I was playing on "Dual of the Fates" (THe ep1 map) in the hanger with the big doors.


anyway, we were fighting around, me advancing, he retreating, when we got in a saber lock he had made it though the doors, but I was smack dab in the middle of them. at first I didn't think anything of it, I mean hey, they are automatic doors, and theres two people there. they would stay open. right? WRONG. I heard them begin to close, and for some darn reason I could NOT get out of the stupid saber lock (Always easy until it matters, right?) anyhoo, the doors I'm talking about are the BIG ones, that take a few seconds to open/close, and by golly they were closing...with my in their way! I managed to break the lock and make the final killing stroke, but it was definetly a cinimatic moment, the doors were (To player scale) less then a foot away from me on either side. *yikes* that was definetly a close one.

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