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Holy smokes!


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Ahoy all,

I had no idea there were so many other fans of Monkey Island out there. Whenever I mention Monkey Island (or work a snide Guybrush quote into the conversation), folks look at me like I'm some sort of raving madman. Oh sure, you say, maybe I am a raving madman, but not because of my love for the Monkey Island series.

I would like to add that it took me a week to figure out how to drop the bucket of mud on Largo's head in Monkey 2 (I'm a tad on the slow side, it would seem...) and I often times call my car "The Jolly Rasta."

Thank you in advance for taking me to your bosum. Unless of course you choose to reject me, in which case I will destroy you all and eat yo...uh...am I still typing? I'm sorry. I'm a rage-oholic. I'm addicted to rage-ohol.


PS So this post won't be a total waste of bandwidth, I'll ask a question: Who thinks Guybrush would've been better off forgetting Elaine and going after Carla the Swordmaster? Va va va voom!

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Welcome to the board! There’s a whole world of Monkey Island fan-goodness out there. Sample the great fan music! Feast your eyes on the fantastic fan art! Be part of a massive online LucasArts community! You might also want to try IRC, for some real time chat in #monkey-island.


Also: I thought Britney and the Harbor Mistress were getting a wee bit too comfortable with Guybrush in EMI… could this be the start of a shocking affair? Maybe TWO shocking affairs? ;)

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Thanks for the link to the Fan Music section. That stuff is amazing! I think it's cool how many forms the tributes to Monkey Island have taken. Forgive me for gushing; this is a new frontier for me. I'm sure I'll become jaded and cynical like everyone else someday. ;)


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Originally posted by Hellbeard

btw, is it just me or is there a whole crap load of nOObs coming in!?


Well, this is a new forum...and the people who used to old forum decided to register on Lucasforums for some inexplicably bizarre reason.


This could be a case for Mulder and Scully.

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