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Internet jobs?


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So how many of you have part-time, satisfaction only (no salary), fun to do, internet jobs?


As for me, i'm my own boss at http://www.altusuniverse.com/


and i'm a staff member (news updates) at http://www.planetmedalofhonor.com/ (i'm called JMiller)except that i'm planning on quitting cuz school is getting to me and my site is more important :D


So where do you work?

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I do alot of volunteer work for my church youth group's website.


Of course, i don't get paid so i don't know if it counts or not, but it certainly is work. I had to do everything from scrath.




and the soon-to-be flash site....





and i need to start another site sometime that i promised one of my friends i would make for our small group and the movies we make.


All that plus school equals....*yawn*


But its fun, and the only really time consuming one is the second one, the new flash site i'm working on.

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