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We've got another model stealer on our hands


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Check out the Sirne model in the Jediknightii.net model section. It's a model of a female twilek. The so called author of this model clearly states in the readme that he made the model. But when I compare his to Spacemonkeys Aayla Secura model, they are the exact, I mean exact, same filesize.



Title : Sirne Jedi Master

E-Mail : Iemscifi@aol.com

Mesh by : Nanodagiardino

Textures by : Nanodagiardino.AND.SkinMan



File Name : sirne.pk3

File Size :

Date Released : 2002



I plea that a jediknigtii.net admin delete this model asap. And contact the author, Nanodagiardino (who I believe is a regular at these forums, isn't he?), and tell him to resubmit this as a skin. With the proper credits towards spacemonkey of course.

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I think part of the problem would be the confusion jkii.net seems to have with their file databases and what exactly constitutes as a skin or a model. Obviously, this case is a confusion by jkii.net as well as the author himself. Perhaps its nothing more than that--confusion. I'm sure that guy is not trying to say he made the twi'lek model, but in fact the skin.


I have seen several player skins in the model section when clearly that is something that should be fixed. There is a reason for 2 seperate categories, is there not?


Models are 3d representations of different things. Skins are the textures that cover models. A model can have several skins, but if its overall 3d shape is changed, then it is no longer the same model.

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Originally posted by quamosity

Perhaps its nothing more than that--confusion. I'm sure that guy is not trying to say he made the twi'lek model, but in fact the skin.



If so, then why does the readme clearly state:

Mesh by : Nanodagiardino

Textures by : Nanodagiardino.AND.SkinMan

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And Grafox was right to think I would see this disturbing report. I have emailed the so-called maker of the Sirne Model, asking for an explanation.


"I am getting word that this is actually a model by Spacemonkey, and that if you are claiming this is your model, I might have to take action as to get credit properly recognized. My information comes from reliable sources, so unless you claim its merely a skin OF the Spacemonkey Aalya Secura model, then I will have to take action.



JKII.Net File/News Master


LucasForums Moderator



So the matter is being investigated, and this issue will be resolved.

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Glad it got fixed (the new readme still doesnt give the right credits to the right people, but thats not my problem anymore).


Grafox please be more carefull with your topics next time and don't jump to conclusions too fast, you accused me of model stealing! A 10 minute investigation would have revealed the truth... How dumb did you think I was?? :confused: I contributed to the original model, spacemonkey is a friend, and I can skin better than that! :)

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