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Assimilate / 3ds Max Problems

Darth Vigrid

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Every time I try assimilate my model the same vertices have no weights. I look at them in max, but they do have weights. So I mess around with their settings and that solves the problem. However, when I save the max file and come back I have to do the same thing all over again. Anyone have this problem. It's not a big deal, just very annoying, and it makes weighting a real nightmare, and it's the biggest reason that Joruus is taking so long to finish.

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A few things that could help...


1.Select the mesh root/model root thingy (the dots between the feet) and move it around, everything should follow, if not then weight the verts that didnt move.


2.Another thing to check: the verts or facial bones on the head... this usually happens when the facial bones are not weighted to "head_face"


3.When exporting make sure no meshes are in sub-object mode.


4."Removing isolated vertices":

in sub-object mode ----> vertex --->select "remove isolated vertices"


Hope this will help solve the problem...

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