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WIP - Elron (evil elf)


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:p yep...evil elf he is. Character I made up when I was bored at school one day. Has some weird hair that sticks up at the front and comes to many points. He wears a long trench coat....that in my picture was all ripped and stuff at the ends....but in the model I didn't do that;) . Added a sleave on his right arm that I need to fix up a bit and I need to fix the back of his collar a little as well.





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Yeah but I did use the Chriss model :p . But if I hadn't said anything...would you of noticed the Chriss guy was somewhere in there hehe. I actually did that in about 10-15 mins....but I plan on trying to change more stuff and fixing things a bit.

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Yeah I'm not sure I'll ever be good enough at modeling to build something from scratch...but I'm pretty content with basing it offa existing models. Besides, I enjoy skinning the most anyhow. Atleast this way I have new things I can skin:p .


Also I'll post some side shots tomorrow...from that angle you might wonder what his hair looks like at different angles...since it is really funkalicious looking.


Oh yes another edit to my post:eek:. How do I add colors to my model using 3Ds max...jsut to show what colors i plan to put onto him. Think it will make him look a bit better to see.

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Well...I guess drawing and stuff helps I suppose...mabey? I've been drawing since I was like 4-5 years old..and I'm 16 now:p . Too bad I threw all my drawing away for most of it. Finally started collecting my pictures...got 2 binders full of em. Whenever I wanna model something new...just gotta go look in there and find a character I made :D .

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I actually made this character and came up with the name before knowing anything about LOTR. But I see what you mean. I never read any of the books and I didn't even really enjoy the movie that much...hopefully if I see the 2nd one I'll like it better. When i saw the movie and heard his name....grrrrrrrr....thought I came up with the name Elron...but they just added a d hehe. Oh well I made like a bunch of characters like Elron...with diff names. Elron, Trion, Bleek, Conix, Carnox. I'm not very good with coming up with names:p .

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How about the name Gront. I've always wanted to make a character named Gront. I have a few drawings, but nothing good heh. THe model looks good. The only thing I don't like about it is the fact that you didn't make all of it. That is a good way to start though. When I was first starting, I never thought I would make a good model. So far my Cloud model is turning out to be my best model I've ever made. There is still a huge margin of unperfection but I'm slowly getting better.

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I always screw up something if I try to make it from scratch. I tried about a week ago...looked go except for the fact that the middle of his face came to a point. Had no chin area or no wideness to his nose. Then i tried to move it aroundand just screwed it up more and more and more.

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