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The REAL problem with Multiplayer.


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personally, and this might be just me, but I find that a lot of servers don't work. Tries to connect, fails. Also, the darkside servers are good, but a little too good, a moderately skilled player can't keep up. The jedimod servers have too many people with tiny-scaled models or hugely-scaled models. Pure servers, cheap players, etc., all these things are problems. Another problem is 1.04. i dominated with 1.02 medium style, but the new patches made it much harder and less fun. However, no 1.04, no Jedimod.


The most fun I have now is playing LAN or against bots. What's that say about Internet servers? The admins just don't keep up with the downloads. I want many things to happen for this game, more TC's, etc., but the people who can make it happen are negligent.

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For SAGA to get done right, we need to work together. Right now, the major work is to do it more customisable and fix the bugs. However since every coder can decide that he will add this "special" feature, the result will be a total mess.


Because of this, the SAGA work needs to be coordinated. And the accent is on releasing a mod that fill follow the specifications to the point.

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I dont care how many patches and mods are released... The problem with multiplayer (for me anyway) is that the people who i play with are idiots.


Since this game was released I have been practising red style saber combat.. I have been playing on the Gamesdomain saber only CTF servers since I started too.. I didnt turn into a DFA whore in 1.02, I didnt turn into a backslash whore in 1.03 and I havent turned into a kick whore in 1.04.. I stuck with red style... Now when I play on the GD CTF Saber only servers and I get the flag, I have to run past about 5 people who are using mind trick trying to kick me off a side or some wannabe cool guy with his saber off who just keeps jumping at me... Ididnt spend all that time learning heavy style saber just for some lazy git to kick me off with no effort at all. I am not getting any help cos my entire team is back at our base having a "chat" and if I ask them to help me I get a mouth full of crap about how they dont want to play JK2... its stupid.


ahh well.. I always tell myself that these are the types of people who will end up in jail :)

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