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Should Request Thread be closed?


Should Request Thread be closed?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Request Thread be closed?

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    • No

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Actually Kman, I could take over that part, because you already carry a large load with the other forums.. plus I need to get my feet more wet.. they are just moist. But I alone wouldn't moderate it, if anything, if I had the power, I'd vote for someone like BradFu to help moderate the Request Forum. It could easily be divided into 3 separate categories of the Request Forum ( Mode, Skin, Map) That would also help clean up the other 2 forums as well. Simply put yet.. getting the ball rolling, I can try.


Well, i just sent word to my supervisor about this issue. Here's what it said:


Hey aristotle, there has been an interesting issue raised in the modeling forum.. would it be possible to create a new Forum called the Request Forum, which could then contain 3 request sub-forums. (Skin, Models, Maps), that way the 3 skin/model/map forums existing would e strictly for WIPs. I could moderate it, and I'd elect a user like BradFu to help, since KMAN already does so much.


So, the idea has been laid out before the supervisor/admins.. now to just get them to see what they can do

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I would vote for a single forum rather than 3 seperate forums, I think the amount of requests wouldn't be too much for a single forum. If it became too much down the line, it could be expanded. While he wouldn't have to actively moderate the Request forum, KMan should definitely have the ability to move threads there (or the Reqeusts Forum moderator(s) should be able to move them FROM here, either way), because no doubt, many people will still post requests here and in skinning.

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A request forum is a good idea but IMO i do not think Midget Yoda or VampireHunterD should moderate it. You say you just want to make the forum better? then why when a request pops up in the wrong place you guys take the opportunity to make fun of the guy who posted it? is that making the forum better? i can understand you are sick of seeing stuff like that but you should act like an adult instead of flaming, that is the kind of attitude that makes for a good moderator.

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sure the request forum would be a great idea, but i'll be damned if im gunna waste my time every day looking through all the other forums, and i doubt some of the other modellers out there would too....


i just go onto the modelling forum, nothin else, and if i see anything i like, i look at it....putting the request thread in another forum will certainly kill it

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Hey everyone, i just got done talking with Aristotle, one of the main administration guys, and he said the a new Request forum, with 3 sub-forums, can be created, and that the existing model, skin, and mapping forums will be made to be strictly WIP Forums. there will be announcement on the JKII.Net the day before the new request forum goes active, so everyone will have a heads up...


Most likely, I will be the Moderator of the Forum, and maybe Kman would do maybe part-time if its necessary, but he does so much, asking for him to moderate yet another Forum would be out of line.


With the existing Forums (mapping/MOd, skinning and model), they will all become STRICTLY WIP/Completed Forums. So only work that has visual progress with screenshots, and completed projects may be posted.. any request posts made will be moved to the request forum.


The New Request Forum will be composed of a Map/Mod Request Forum, a Skin Request Forum, and a Model Request Forum. The **OFFICIAL** Request threads will be moved appropriately, but you will also be able to make your own requests in the correct request forum.

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Originally posted by Andy867

With the existing Forums (mapping/MOd, skinning and model), they will all become STRICTLY WIP/Completed Forums. So only work that has visual progress with screenshots, and completed projects may be posted.. any request posts made will be moved to the request forum.


whoa wait a sec there bud, what about the noob modelers with questions? i like to help people and it keeps my knowledge of modeling sharp.

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Madjal is right. The existing forum still NEEDS to allow questions concerning "how-to" model, and the like.


I still have alot to learn - and I'd still like an open "forum" for discussion on these topics.



Also, I think that we should KEEP the *Sticky* that points to the "new and improved" Request Forum, .. .. just so that is makes it simple for people browsing to hop over there and take a look.


. . .My two scents.. . . .







...fart and grape.

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First of all, I am happy that the new forum is coming up. I also agree that help should still be here because that is a part of modeling and obviously we have no problem with that, but then again I can see to where that would belong in the request forum because they are requesting help. I have mixed emotions on that. Guess it's up to the moderators.


And now to take care of this matter with Deetox. I don't flame people. In the thread that guy made earlier I wasn't flaming at him, heck that's not even flaming man. Learn what flaming is before you accuse someone of doing it. I was directing that torward the moderators to show that the request forum doesn't work. I figured you guys would catch it. I don't know what D was aiming it at but I know what I was. And I appologized to that guy if I hurt his feelings because I really didn't mean to. I think I've acted pretty adult about this whole matter actually. I voiced my opinion on something and took the apropriate procedure to get it taken care of. If they had said no to my request, then I wouldn't have pissed and moaned about it. I would have just said, "okay just thought I'd say something". And yes believe it or not I am trying to help the forums because I spend a good amount of my time on the computer here and I post my work only here. I don't know how me saying I was trying to help the forum by asking them to do something about requests would have anything to do with my "flaming" someone but whatever floats your boat. I also would like to add that We shouldn't argue about stuff. I have no hard feelings torward anybody about this, opinions are like @ssholes, everybody's got one and some of em stink like all get out. Anyway, I wish that I coulda been a moderator but I also realize that there are a lot of people on these forums that hate me and D so I understand that I won't be one. I guess the only way I'll ever get to do something like that is to make my own (again). Good luck with the new forum guys!

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Originally posted by Midgit Yoda

First of all, I am happy that the new forum is coming up. I also agree that help should still be here because that is a part of modeling and obviously we have no problem with that, but then again I can see to where that would belong in the request forum because they are requesting help. I have mixed emotions on that. Guess it's up to the moderators.


requesting help is a lot different than requesting a model. ill never look at the request forum, so id prefer to help people out here, where i always am at and am always willing to help.

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Originally posted by Madjai


requesting help is a lot different than requesting a model. ill never look at the request forum, so id prefer to help people out here, where i always am at and am always willing to help.

I can understand you're reasoning, but then again you have to consider the fact that the Request forum is for Requesting Modeling. I could see where that would categorize the Model Requests and Modeling help Requests together but I really would prefer to have the Modeling requests in this forum. You know me always pointing out stuff that really makes no sense.

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Originally posted by Midgit Yoda

First of all, I am happy that the new forum is coming up. I also agree that help should still be here because that is a part of modeling and obviously we have no problem with that, but then again I can see to where that would belong in the request forum because they are requesting help. I have mixed emotions on that. Guess it's up to the moderators.


And now to take care of this matter with Deetox. I don't flame people. In the thread that guy made earlier I wasn't flaming at him, heck that's not even flaming man. Learn what flaming is before you accuse someone of doing it. I was directing that torward the moderators to show that the request forum doesn't work. I figured you guys would catch it. I don't know what D was aiming it at but I know what I was. And I appologized to that guy if I hurt his feelings because I really didn't mean to. I think I've acted pretty adult about this whole matter actually. I voiced my opinion on something and took the apropriate procedure to get it taken care of. If they had said no to my request, then I wouldn't have pissed and moaned about it. I would have just said, "okay just thought I'd say something". And yes believe it or not I am trying to help the forums because I spend a good amount of my time on the computer here and I post my work only here. I don't know how me saying I was trying to help the forum by asking them to do something about requests would have anything to do with my "flaming" someone but whatever floats your boat. I also would like to add that We shouldn't argue about stuff. I have no hard feelings torward anybody about this, opinions are like @ssholes, everybody's got one and some of em stink like all get out. Anyway, I wish that I coulda been a moderator but I also realize that there are a lot of people on these forums that hate me and D so I understand that I won't be one. I guess the only way I'll ever get to do something like that is to make my own (again). Good luck with the new forum guys!


Thats cool man, you are right you didn't really flame that guy, i didn't know your comments were directed at the moderators, i do apologize for not catching that. When i said flaming i was mostly referring to VampireHunterD's poem in that thread, he was making fun of the guy which in my book is the same as flaming. Anywho i don't hate you or D, arguing is pointless i just wanted to voice my opinion on what i saw.

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Originally posted by Deetox187


Thats cool man, you are right you didn't really flame that guy, i didn't know your comments were directed at the moderators, i do apologize for not catching that. When i said flaming i was mostly referring to VampireHunterD's poem in that thread, he was making fun of the guy which in my book is the same as flaming. Anywho i don't hate you or D, arguing is pointless i just wanted to voice my opinion on what i saw.

Wow man, I'll have to say you're definitly one of the coolest guys on here Deetox. I thought you'd do like everyone else and gripe at me whenever I say anything like that to em. Man, I really am impressed at your maturity. Most of the people on here are like 12 or something (no offense). Do you have AOL Instant messenger? I'd like to talk with ya. PM me your SN if u have it.

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I think some valid points have been raised, and before setting in stone what is allowed here and there, we should discuss a little more.


One possibility is that instead of making a new Request forum(s), we could do something like Polycount and make a "Pimping" forum. The Skinning and Modelling forums could remain as they are, but allow open requests, and WIP or finished stuff can be shown in the Pimping thread


If the Request forum is the way we go, I still think we should do a single request forum rather than 3 sub forums. Having it all in one forum would make it much easier to hop in and have a look at the requests, and also easier for you to administrate. If the request traffic warranted it down the line, it could be split into more forums (though I really doubt the number of requests would ever warrant it).

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I can see where its ok for new modelers to ask questions, but don't think that in the same question that you will be able to also make a request for a model, or your thread will be moved or closed on the leave of being deleted. But I don't see a problem with the posting questions in the existing forums. but any requests made outside the request forums will be moved, and if it continues, they shall be deleted, along with all posts inside the thread.


And about the sub-forums. they will help keep the threads organized so people are looking through page after page trying to find a skin request they made through all the map and model requests. why make a single forum when eventually it will come to three? it saves us and you guys the time. That way they are already there, and we won't have to worry about making yet more forums, etc.

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