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Is it possible to have your jumping ability like the NPC's?

Galactic Magi

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Razorace - I think the same thing - but only based on the impressions I get from bring around the forums and reading the results different people have had from talking to Raven.


And the fact that JK2 was so popular that it would be a surprise if there wasn't an expansion, given the propensity these days for all successful games to be expanded (think JK1, Q3, MOHAA, Operation Flashpoint, etc etc).


Still, I'm interested to hear what your reasons are for thinking this.

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1. SP source code and many other things haven't been released.

2. The game has sold very well.

3. Sithlord-II says that his Vader model is "out of his hands" and wouldn't say who has the rights to it now. Very strange. I'd normally would think that Raven would just create its own Vader model, but you never know. :) Ether Raven has it OR WLS. :)


Razor Ace

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Originally posted by razorace

3. Sithlord-II says that his Vader model is "out of his hands" and wouldn't say who has the rights to it now. Very strange. I'd normally would think that Raven would just create its own Vader model, but you never know. :) Ether Raven has it OR WLS. :)


Chesire Kat also said that due to legalities he couldn't let anyone use his Maul model.


I hadn't thought of this aspect as pointing to someone else taking up the work of modellers. I see now that it could be some indication of something.

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Originally posted by keo718

How long after the release of the original Dark Forces did it take for them to release an expansion pack?


Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 was releaseed in October 1997, and the expansion pack, Mysteries of the Sith, was released in Feb 1998. At least, that's what gamers.com says.


According to the same source, Dark Forces (the original) was released in 1996.

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Well one of the WLS guys got hired by Raven...



But seriously - if WLS don't make money from what they do, which they can't given the legal status of mods, etc - then there couldn't really be any legalities involving them and other people's models. Such legalities could only exist (as far as I understand it) if they're working on something 'official' for the game, which brings us back to Raven. I'd be pretty sure that WLS are not working for Raven.


I agree - there must be something going on...

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