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diable kick but not jump


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gotta love a guy with a sarcastic wit...so helpful!


If you've ever met a kick whore...and you probably are one...you would know that it can make a fight pretty ridiculous if all you do is kick. Then why have the saber at all...maybe we should just call the game jedi kicker?

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I know and have played lots of players that are kick whores. You have this power called PUSH learn to use it. You have another move called the blue lunge. Learn to use it. You have this thing called roll...learn to use it.


I am not a kick "whore". Will I kick someone to keep them back if im backed into a corner? You bet I will. Do I use the pull+kick or the kick to go around killing people.....no, in fact I never use pull+kick.


Its just a tool like everything else in the game. Kick whores die quickly on my server due to the 2.5x over std JK2 damage. You kick once...ok....you goto kick again someone will lunge you and your dead.


We as a community need to STOP complaining about moves in this game. Are some too easy to do and therefor overused....yes. But its the same in all games. In UT and Quake its whever gets the rocket launcher will be the one with the most kills. In SOF2 its the pump action shotgun in the head from behind.


Learn to deal with it. Adjust your attack style and if you run a server decrease the damage or just turn it off. It is a good tool to have when used right. Also if you do run a server and someone is abusive with it just kick them off the server...end of problem.


We all have to play mods now just to have the air lunge, backstab and higher saber damage back. What will be left in the game at the rate we are losing things?


1.04 sabers are already toothpicks. Thats why the kick is so overused. If the game allowed for a saber that will do more damage then people would fight with it. But why bother when its so easy to kick.


Adjust and adapt to the patches or run a mod. Its that simple.


Here are my saber damage settings. Try this, if you run a server. It will eliminate the kickers....period....but you had better know how to use the saber or u wll die in one hit.


seta g_saberdamagescale "2.5"

seta g_saberboxtracesize "-1"

seta g_saberdmgvelocityscale "0.5"

seta g_saberdmgdelay_idle "150"

seta g_saberdmgdelay_wound "0"

seta g_saberghoul2collision "1"

seta g_sabertracesaberfirst "1"

seta _saberalwaysboxtrace "1"


Good luck and remember to practice!:rolleyes:

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First of all...im a veteran player..and im quite good at dealing with kick whores...i never die to a kicker. I find that it ruins the experience for all of my faitfuls, and all id like to do is do away with the damage...or make it do so little it makes no difference.




I dont enable any force on my server except the jump, attack and defence. I find that jump can allow you to move around and get to certain places on maps that have spots that are hard to get to.

I dont use it for kick. I kick all kick whores and state taht in my MOTD. SO please get off your high horse.


I prefer the traditional game, and not to mod it, as the game in my opinion couldnt be more balanced and fun as it is in 1.04.


I just think that if u could reduce the damage to nil you could use the kick as you put it to push people away from you if your backed into a corner. You really seemed to have missed my entire point which was simple and straightforward.


But this issue has been resolved for me a LONG time ago, as the original question was posted and answered a while ago.


You should come to my server, and you can see how much of a "young jedi" My Brothers and myself really are...oh please do.


[CO] Crimson Order - Duels

just look for [CO]

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Perhaps I will stop by and see how good you guys are. I have many clans come by and stop at Crazy Yoda only to go home with there tails between their legs.This is due saber damage and the fact you can only block at a ready position or in mid swing.


I also run no force settings a few days a week but with Jedimod you can have as many duels as you like (in ffa) and the kick does no damage. So it is not a problem for me, but if the kick did do damage that would be ok too.


Sorry if my "sarcasim" made you upset. I am just tired of people complaining about a power/skill or wanting to nerf that ability. I do not have a problem with any move or forcepower in the game. Sure people whore moves but that just makes them perdictable.


Have fun thats my moto...and I will stop by for a round or two.



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