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gokuaikitou! a humble request...


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i've been working with a number of weapon models(katanas, scythes, etc, etc...) for some time now, most have been finished for months, my only problem has been removeing the reflected saber glow, jedimod/tck sabers accomplishes this, but leaves a white core.


so here's tchouky's solution;


yes you can completly remove the glow and the trail (colored and the white one too )



and comment the code from line 4909 to 4963 and the other same block a few lines after


unfortunatly i don't have the tools or experiance to code and by the look of other traditional weapon mod's i'm not the only one haveing problems.

it seems like a quick job, so if any bored and altruistic coders are looking for a project... ^_^

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thanks, from what i've seen it's not all that difficult (at least not for the minor changes i'm after), but i still can't get the editing tools (the second set links me to a random quicktime video prompt... same with most exe downloads... and i don't have quicktime... or a mac... :confused: ) so i don't think i can complie it here.

anyway, thanks again



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