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EAX problem


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Got a problem in MP:


When EAX is disabled game runs fine. But when it's enabled game locks up after 10 minutes. Have to reboot. Have XP + Creative Audigy + Geforce 3. All the latest drivers. Still the same.

It's so much better when it's enabled. Does anybody has the same problem?


Thanks for responding....

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I have the same problem. Turn EAX on it freezes, turn it off it's fine


Almost same Specs too


Gefore III Ti 200

AMD 1.8 Gig

SoundBlast Audigy


EAX causes my computer to lock up 30 seconds after I enter a multiplayer game. I have not found the fix for it either :( Any Suggestions ? I have un-installed and re-installed all my Drivers as well as JK:II + Patches and it has made no difference.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very useless indeed.


The first mail I sent to them. They responded me within 2 days. That's great. BUT they were telling to change settings in SOF2?!?!? And I was sending them a mail about JK2. Shame on you Activision!!!


The second mail I sent. They responded me again telling me that EAX is not supported in Multiplayer. What the .......????? How come then there's the option when being in game.


Activision doesn't give a **** about us!! I never responded to that 2nd mail. @Activision: Blow me!

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