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WIP: Sephiroth

Twisted Vertex

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Sorry I didn't respond to you yesterday Zedar, but I didn't have time to get on. The answer is yes, I can give you a Kingdom Hearts Sephiroth avatar. Do you want his whole body including/excluding the wing, or did you want me to zoom in on the face? I can do whatever you want.



I could also give you one of Kingdom Hearts Cloud.

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Dude, Relax I am not mad at you Midget Yoda.


Ok, Last time I am going to ask this. I have been working on this for quite sometime and NO progress. I can't preserve the model root when I export the model out to xsi. Probably the reason why the mesh is getting screwed up.


ANYTHING, throw me a bone here.


Oh hey meat head, go here.........http://www.discreet.com


or http://www.milkshape3d.com




Edit......midget check your pm box

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Ok, Forgot to add this amount of information. I have two max programs open and comaprign the two hierarchies. One of the jedi-trainer and the heirarchy of my own model. Everything seems to be in perfect order. So I export the model out to the xsi 3.0 format.


I re-import the model back into max. There is two nodes in the hierarchy mesh root and skeleton root. Somehow Model Root is missing. I am siginalling this as the pssible problem to why the mesh is roatating 180 degrees.


I used the skeleton from this forum, So i thought that was the issue. I imported a fresh root xsi and got a new skeleton and tags. Same thing, Maybe the mesh moved all of 12 degrees counter clockwise but thats it.


I tried Freezing the Model Root node, however there appears to be no effect. I even tried to link the model root to another fresh node thinking well, that new node will disapear and I'll have just the model root and its Children.......WRONG!! I am stuck with the new node, it does not disapear when I export the mesh...



If anybody is interested in viewing the problem for themselves, I'll post a .zip file of the dot max.

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Sounds like something's all ****ed up with your exporter. That's sorta like what happened to Ronin's Jawa model except his was like that when he's put it in game. I tried to figure out what was wrong with his but I just couldn't think what it could be. Send it over to me Musashi and I'll see what I can do (the .max file).

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umm, I right click and select save target as and it gives me an HTML file saying no hotlinking basically. It would be ton's better if you could post that in a zip file Musashi, if I can get the .max file to download correctly I will get to work on it asap.


EDIT: can't get it to work, you're gonna have to post a .zip file

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Marth how many times have you asked that question? How many times has someone anwsered you? You saw me talking about my rank...Gungan and Jawa and stuff.....and you even responded to it. You know it is a rank according to how many posts you have.

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I haven't mocked you at all. I've anwsered your questions at every turn.....every time you ask the same question over and over. I've tried to help you and give you advice...like not making 2 different threads of the same questions. Oh well, you may be hopeless.

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