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WIP: Sephiroth

Twisted Vertex

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Cel-shaded Sephiroth eh? I can do that. I was going to make my Crono model have the DBZ-like anime look. I was planning to do something along the same lines with Midgit's Cloud model.


The key to this is to make sure his eyes have just a little depth (that he has eyebrows and cheekbones) so that way the skin doesn't look like garbage.

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I have an idea vertex with his hair, just get rid of the side strands you have then it may look a little better




DOn't forget to include his marsume, u can find swords some where in jediknightii.net I have a ladder map when they use swords so it does exist

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ok...........................(aukward pause)



I think it be profesional to put it to his side, if u look at him in the game ITS NEVER ON HIS BACK ALWAYS AT HIS SIDE


but if you want sephiroth to look accurtate cut those to hair strands on the side of his head to make him look more accurate

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HI, ok an Update for you :)




if you haveing problem click the click then close it. Then click it again.


I included a wireframe view. so the pro's out there can say where the polys are and are not needed.


I am having trouble visualizing the face. It doesn't look right in the viewport, but The render does it somewhat justice. The side view isn't to pleasing.......anybody have some suggestions.


The current polycount is 1877.....So I still have room to GO SICK :)

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I really dont see too many areas where I would optimize, perhaps add a few polys to shape up the midsection/hip area. You've got tons polys in the bank to do some subdivision of the face and add detail. I really like arms, the mucsles look great :)


Oh, quick little tip, model the feet and legs in a strait position, I see you have the feet aranged so that they are bending inward quite a bit. When in game his legs will straiten out but his ankles will be rolled inward too much, it'll look wierd. Easy to do, just rotate the feet a little


Keep up the good work :)


edit: by strait I mean follow the current angle you have on the model, dont straiten the bones, all you need to do it rotate out the ankles a bit

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The new hair is nice; more natural looking. Since you can't get hair to move you could make 4 or 5 models with different hair and have a script so its constantly changing but then again your computer might have a heart attack. :)


Also after you're done the model are you going to add on his trench coat and make it selectable like the Tyrion model?


Keep the excellent work and good luck.

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Yes there will be a trench coat model...


Toonces,My course of action with face is to Give it the ingame look of ffv11




My intentions are to paint most of the features on the face...eyes and mouth to keep the anime look. If anybody is interested I will release and SDK so people can skin to there liking.

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I would mesh the nose.....Pretty simple process acutally.




If will release the .max if anybody wants to skin him...I am getting a new modeling prog on Wesenday, and Am really getting frustrated with the constant crashes occurring in max..SERENTIYY NOW!!!!!


I can barely uvw mapp with out it crashing everyother action. Its werid, for awhile it won't crash.....Then there is a time if i breath, or move funny, BAM!!!!! I am staring at my desktop, cursing.

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