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Wow! AD was fast on creating AdventurePit's forum...!

But I noticed that it said: 'The Adventure Pit' instead of 'Adventure Pit'. :p

Could someone fix this?

Thanks anyway.


Oh yes.... Welcome to our new forum hosted by Lucasforums!

I hope you'll find it good, and start posting! :D


Write whatever you want here, as long as it's about adventure games, Adventure Pit, Roger Foodbelly or any of the other games. We'll also answer the questions you might have, and we're hoping you'll get this forum a bit more active.

(I'll also post a few screenshots from Roger Foodbelly here as well)




I'm wishing you good luck while browsing our forum, and I'd also like to thank the people at AD for reacting so quickly.


You can check out Adventure Pit @ http://www.adventurepit.cjb.net

I'll be watching this space. I'm signing off, laters!


* jannar85 has now left the thread.

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