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NJOM : New Jedi Order Mod .


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well it's freaking obvious for someone who read the book :)

but for someone who has'nt or who is reading them it's different...



Any modeler intrested ? COME ON it will be a challenge to model organics weapon !


i m going to set up a site with some yuuzhan vongs pictures ....

i hope that it will pick the attention of some of you :D:jester1:

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I had an idea , tell me what you think of it :


Yuuzhan vongs don't have force powers so i was wondering what avilities i could give to them :


IMLANTS, you know the yuuzhan vongs like to add implants in their bofies so i think i m going to give the yuuzhan vongs a number of points, exactly as the jedis.


with these points you will be able to select the kind of implants you want like :

scales (natural armor)

multiple organs (more hp)

better reflexes (faster)

maybe Nom Anor's eye (spit poison)....




what do you think ?

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Btw...for levels for us to play in...



after Vong take over, lots of veggies everywhere :p


-Worldship (possibly one you see in SBS)

-Eclipse (Uh..just like the meeting room, maybe the healing bay, it would be kool nonetheless)


hmm..i will think of more later :p

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well, i don't plan on creating any vong forcemeter or something...

they will have passive powers.

so maybe someting like pain tolereance will be to remove 10 or 15% of every damage the vong takes....

btw maibe you should put spoilers bracket on the 1st map Pnut_Master

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Is this just a MP mod or are you going into SP territory too?


If so there are a number of problems.


- Add Yuuhzan Vongs (YV) :

* can't see them through the force.

* aren't affected by the force (or much less).


Shouldn't be too hard. Just make the Ysalamiri variable permanent and remove the yellow sphere and hey presto, unable to use Force, unable to be seen using the force and impervious to Force Attacks.


* they are more resistant than jedis.


Best was to do this would be make the saber less resistant against shields but to even it out, make it more effective against health only.


- YV's bio weapons :

* amphistaff (can spit venom too and use them like a whip too).


That'll require more animations. I'd recommend just changing the saber to an amphistaff and changning the bryar pistol to the head of the staff, which spits venom. A whip would look nice but apart from that it'd be pretty pointless.


* thud bugs (small homing insects which are throwed to an opponent ).


Homing Bugs ---> Homing missiles. Remodel and use the rocket code.


* ooglith masquers (can disguise as a human //will surerly be an item).


It'd be very difficult to do this and it would be the equivilent of Mind Trick I would think. Not worth the effort in my opinion.


- Jedis :

* ordinary weapons removed.

* njo weapons added (which are seen in Star By Star mostly).


I agree with this. Waiting for SbS paperback so I'm not familar with other weapons. I'll comment more when I get it.


* choose their saber style(1 saber /2 sabers / double bladed / extendable saber).


A decent Corran Horn skin would go well with the last saber style. :)


- Objective based gameplay :

* Jedi team vs Yuuzhan Vongs team.


This could be interesting. I'd recommend boosting the power of heal and speed as they will be the only two powers the Jedi will be able to use. Not too much. Maybe Full Force power gives 40 health back. Also give the Vong level 2 jump, with the Jedi on level 3.


* objectives like RTCW (saga type maps).


Not familar with RtCW.



This could be a great mod. I'm don't have the time for making maps, skinning, modelling etc but I can probably make a website when I am remaking my own soon. I'll host it on my server too.



Edit: Forgot to include this.


There are good skins/models of Jacen and Anakin already.


Anakin - http://www.jediknightii.net/files/index.php?link=file&id=920

Jacen - http://www.jk2files.com/file.info?ID=5323


I use these myself. They are very good and come with sabers too. Well worth asking permission for.

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Btw...D.L...Since you are waiting for the paperback of star by star..does that mean you havent read it yet ?


And there really are no new devices seen in SBS...just lots of thermal denators, lightsabers, those terminator droids, and a few big ass rifles and ...wait..there were alot of guns :p..

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Originally posted by Pnut_Master

And there really are no new devices seen in SBS...just lots of thermal denators, lightsabers, those terminator droids, and a few big ass rifles and ...wait..there were alot of guns :p..


well tesar also have a blaster minigun and there is also a sniper rifle but not the same model as in jk2

and lots of thermal detonators :)

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Originally posted by Pnut_Master

Btw...D.L...Since you are waiting for the paperback of star by star..does that mean you havent read it yet ?


And there really are no new devices seen in SBS...just lots of thermal denators, lightsabers, those terminator droids, and a few big ass rifles and ...wait..there were alot of guns :p..


Nope, I couldn't get the hardback and I wanted to read them all in order. Up to date and I have DJ, EL I and II but I want to read SbS first so I'm waiting for that.


I know the major spoiler though :(

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