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WIP: Sith Lord Havoc / Saesee Tiin


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Im making a model for jk2 (duh) and i need a good skinner,

not just any one ...some one who knows what they are doing.

The model is complete now but it just needs skinned then itll be up and running in no time.



And i am also making a Saesee Tiin model i need a skinner for that too ill attach some pics of this guy to when its looking mutch better AND last but not least in gonna start a jk2 TC

Its about After the ROTJ (you know how bobba survives,well u go bobba) you are trying to hunt down and capture Luke Skywalker dead or alive... ill explain it more if you are interested

we need - Coders

- Sound effects guy

- Mabey another modeler

- Deffinetly some skinners

- and a good MOD / FX guy

:monkey4: (dance monkey DANCE!!!)


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I know a couple of good skinners. You should try to ask Arco or Grafox (i think hes doing another project tho). I cant think of any more on the top of my head but there are lots of good ones (look in Palpatine and Fisto thread). I dont know how to skin or model. And i have nothing on Saese Tiin. You should check http://www.starwars.com for ref pics if thats what your looking for. :D

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Jedi Master Saesee Tiin, a telepathic Iktotchi from the Iktotch moon, received training from Master Omo Bouri, a famed Wol Cabas****e. Bouri instilled a strong sense of conviction in Tiin, honing the Iktochi's skill and dedication to the order to the point that some would describe Tiin as fanatical. After the death of Bouri, Tiin's devotion only increased. The stern, contemplative Jedi often kept to himself, and Tiin was never known to take a Padawan. Tiin's loner tendencies caused some to privately question his value to the Council since his contributions were minimal.


Despite such hushed criticism, Tiin was a formidable warrior and an incredible pilot. His Iktotchi heritage granted him strong telepathic abilities, and helming his personal SoroSuub Cutlass-9 craft through the relentless winds of Iktotch taught him unparalleled control.


all from starwars.com but im sure youve checked there already:)

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yeh sorry but the server is on pure HTML so if my friend aint online (which he always is) then u cant see the site, sorry guys

ok now i have a skinner and ill keep you guys updated oh and p.s.

if the link dont work and u wanna c my model just e-mail me and ill send you the latest pics k?


ok ill start work on Saesee Tiin on monday sorry i cant start earlier im gonna get wasted 2 morrow :cheers::guiness:

ok c-ya guys l8er

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Ok people

its been an exiting weekend (not, we couldnt even set up the ****ing tent cause it was pitch black and i spilled all my alcohol rats! oh well n/m)

sad to see that nobody has posted any recent replys:(

but anyway as u may have read above there is some 1 willing to help skin my model (atlast!!) however....I aint gonna lie to you guys...I am a n00b at 3d modeling this is my first ever model :(BUT! i do however know how to unwrap it..I need to know how 2 get it in game because my skinner needs it in game b4 he skins it :( pretty crappy...so thats put a big delay on my project but dont worry guys ill have it up and running soon.

so if any of you wanna hear more about my Saesee Tiin model just say so ;) ok people post some replys,coments or just whatever like if you need help etc.


im usually online and checking my forums for new posts so if you post a question etc ill get Right back to you

ok last thing... i still need frickin people for my TC please people this TC would rock if i had more folk backing me....:(

well im running outta things 2 say so ill c-ya guys l8er;)

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