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Few questions...


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What is it that will make someone fall down? Is it pushing or kicking from behind? Second, is there some trick to pulling off the yellow special? I even have it bound to a key and it doesn't work for me very much. Third, how do you do the 180 backstab? Thanks. :deathstar

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Originally posted by skeelo

What is it that will make someone fall down? Is it pushing or kicking from behind? Second, is there some trick to pulling off the yellow special? I even have it bound to a key and it doesn't work for me very much. Third, how do you do the 180 backstab? Thanks. :deathstar


1-Push or Pull will *if they have a lower level of Push/Pull than you (as in you have level 3 Push/Pull and they only have level 2).

Also, when they are airborne (as in jumping at you) you can pull them down and off their feet if you time it right.


Kicks will knock you down some of the time; if you use a Force pull right before the kick you increase the chance of a knockdown.




2-You need to line them up in front of you and have the crosshair on them, if they are off to the side too far you will just jump and slash.



3-The "spin" part has been removed in 1.04 if that's what you mean, a normal backstab is back+attack and an alternate one is down+back+attack in medium or red stance.

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