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A Thread About Nothing!!!!

Bob Gnarly

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i change my mind......i love the one where the crazy neighbor, gosh what was his name, goes on a test drive with the car seller and they have one hilarious adventure trying to go the distance without losing their gas. Then at the end of the episode you hear them screaming across the freeway "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" and then the car runs out of gas.

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Originally posted by KingPin

anyways whats your ABSOULT FAV. EPISODE of SEINFIELD™®©......and i would think you people have seen it cause that SHOW ®Ø×€®§

my fav is the one where seinfield wins a van and the guy is very emotional who gave him it so seinfield lends geaorge the van for a date, so the guy finds out he lent him the car and goes to the woods cause hes sad AND LOW-AND-BEHOLD theres george with the car, so the guy runs to it and starts hitting the windows and YELLING "Sinfields van, Sinfields van, Sinfields van" so ther girl YELLS WHATS HE SAYING AND george freaks out and says i think hes saying "SON OF SAM, SON OF SAM, SON OF SAM"

awwww that was the best episode EVER

i like the witty name i chose for the thread, cause seinfield was a show about nothing

That's my second favorite episode. Lol I laughed so hard when george says,"That vans a rockin." Jerry goes,"Don't go a knockin." LOL oh man that was great. But my favorite would have to be The contest episode. Where they had to see which one could last the longest without doing their buisness. Lol that was great too.

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Also, if anyone wants any of these episodes here's my list. I have a whole folder dedicated. And I dl more evey day. ;)


The Friar's club

The Abstinence

The Opera

The Robbery

The Stakeout

The Contest

The Deal

Festivus for the Rest of Us

The Merv Griffin Show

The Pie

The Letter

The Comeback

The Strongbox

The Bookstore

The Hot Tub

The Switch

Fusilli Jerry

The Shower Head

The Chicken Roaster

The Butter Shave

And a bunch of other episodes. If anyone wants any of these episodes contact my email. And this is a great thread. ;)

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