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Max Lightgrid problem


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OK, so my PC just completed a 15 hour compile with fullvis (extra). After this it came out with the lightgrid array problem again, and after I had set the gridsize to a stagerring 208 x 2048 x 4096! So I guess it's fair to say that increasing the gridsize is not going to solve the problem, and more than that...it makes he compile times a LOT longer too!


I read the FAQ on this problem that RichDiesal put up in another thread...http://qeradiant.com/faq/index.cgi?_recurse=1&file=31#file_163


It's sort of helpful but worryingly technical, I was wondering if some of you guys could just put me straight on a few things....


(1) If I did the map in just fullvis, not fullvis extra, is that likely to solve the problem? What would the downside to doing this be?


(2) I can't really tell from the FAQ thing, are patches making this problem a whole lot worse? I certainly have a fair few round patches in the map, a great many in fact....would getting rid of them help a lot?


(3) I heard something about lighting the void being a bad thing, I have lights whose area of effect strays out into the vid a bit, is this a big part of the problem?


Anything else I should know?


These seems to be a fairly common problem for a lot of mappers, it seems to pop up in the forums fairly regulalry too.


I just don't waa do another massively long compile and find it isn't working, so I wana get it right this time around. I have some extreme solutions if it doesn't work.....


(A) Take away all the lights, give the player a pair of those light goggles and a lot of batteries :D


(B) More seriously, take away every single light entity and start again, but I'd probabaly just end up repeating the mistakes I've already made


Any help to this extremely long list of questions much appreciated!

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yep i get that trouble now and again


ok first this isnt related to the problem but helps


make gridsize 2048 2048 2048 that might work better


right then the lights :D


when that happened to me i DID have to delete all lights and entities and replace them, something about jk2radiant mucking up lights sometimes


But could also be that you placed either scale text or light into worldspawn HEHE i did that by mistake put worldspawn with a scale of 3 :p


anyway look in worldspawn first if its not that replace everything BUT make sure you keep a copy of the good map that works eaxh time you bsp in another folder. that way you save ripping your hair out :D

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