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Custom textures dont show up


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Its been a while now... and I'm trying to figure out how to make my custom textures to work!!! They don't show up when I test the map...its all in gray with white lines.... Can someone gimme a list of reasons of what may be the problem?!?!

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I ran into this problem once too.


Just be sure you export a texture map for your model with something like 512x256, 512x512, 768x512, 768x768 or 1024x768 and the custom texture should load up for the model.


If the model's texture map is in a resolution similar to this, then the texture should show up in game, and if you use it in a .pk3 file as well.

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Reasons Custom Textures do not work :


1. The afforementioned "Power-Of-2" size resrictions not being met.


2. If testing through a PK3, the textures were not included in the PK3. Solution : add them.


3. If NOT testing through a PK3, try sv_pure 0 in the console, then reload the map. If they show up at that point, then it's considering those textures to be "non-standard" or not included with the game. JKO looks for textures in PK3 files, and uses those only unless you have a non pure server.

Solution : MAKE a PK3 that includes the BSP file and the textures.


4. Have a nice day.

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NOTE: if you're still in development, dont forget to go to the consol and type


sv_pure 0




devmap mymapname


in order for the textures to show up (assuming you've followed the advice above about sizing)


otherwise you need to put it all into a PK3 file - there are plenty of tutorials on how to do this around.

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Just another quick tip: Make sure you save your JPG's in the baseline "standard" format, (and not progressive). I did this by accident and it prevented my textures showing up in game.


As far as I know, the "sv_pure" affects multiplayer only. I think it's there for multiplayer servers who want to play the game in it's original unaltered form.

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thanks for the help but ive managed to solve the problem thanks to planetwolfenstein.com - they cliamed that the problem was due to a faulty shader, so i decided to remove the shaders folder in the pk3 and the map worked fine (apart from the 1 or 2 textures that used the shader) so all i have to do now is add the shaders back one by one and see which causes the problem (i think). thx anyway

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